
Infantilizacija ljudi z demenco
ID Hribernik, Anja (Author), ID Mali, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala pojav infantilizacije ljudi z demenco. Uvodoma sem predstavila teoretično ozadje demence, socialnega dela z ljudmi z demenco in družbeno konstrukcijo te bolezni v današnji družbi. Teoretični del sem namenila tudi sporazumevanju z ljudmi z demenco, medosebnim odnosom, ki ga vzpostavljajo s svojo socialno mrežo, opredelila in opisala pa sem tudi infantilizacijo ljudi z demenco. Ideja, da je demenca vrnitev v otroštvo in da so ljudje z demenco podobni otrokom, vpliva na njihove odnose in pogosto vodi do infantilizacije. V kvalitativni raziskavi sem podatke zbirala z metodo spraševanja in metodo opazovanja. Zanimalo me je, kako infantilizacijo zaznavajo ljudje z demenco, njihovi sorodniki in formalni oskrbovalci ter kakšne so značilnosti tega fenomena. Pridobljeni podatki so pokazali, da se zaznavanje infantilizacije razlikuje od posameznika in situacije. Izjave in dejanja, ki so lahko na prvi pogled infantilizirajoča, lahko le izražajo naklonjenost do ljudi z demenco. Za preprečevanje infantilizacije je ključno spodbujanje samostojnosti, vključevanje ljudi z demenco v procese odločanja in načrtovanja oskrbe ter poudarek na življenjski zgodbi in izkušnjah človeka z demenco. V prihodnje predlagam poglobljeno raziskovanje in izobraževanje o negativnih posledicah otroškega obravnavanja ljudi z demenco kot tudi utrjevanja pristopov, ki takšna ravnanja preprečujejo.

Keywords:demenca, infantilizacija, socialno delo z ljudmi z demenco, participacija, samostojnost, sporazumevanje, stigmatizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160877 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Infantilization of people with dementia
In my thesis, I researched the phenomenon of infantilization of people with dementia. I presented the theoretical background of dementia, social work with people with dementia, and the social construction of this disease in contemporary society. The theoretical part also covered communication with people with dementia, the interpersonal relationships they establish with their social network, and lastly, I defined and described the infantilization of people with dementia. The idea that dementia is a return to childhood and that people with dementia are similar to children, influences their relationships and often leads to infantilization. In the qualitative research, I collected data using two methods, interviewing and observation. I examined how infantilization is perceived by people with dementia, their relatives, and formal caregivers, as well as the characteristics of this phenomenon. Results of the research show that the perception of infantilization varies depending on the individual and the situation. Statements and actions that may initially seem infantilizing can simply express affection to people with dementia. To prevent infantilization, it is crucial to promote independence, involve individuals in decision-making and care planning processes, and emphasize the life story and experiences of the person with dementia. In the future, I propose in-depth research and education on the negative consequences of infantilizing people with dementia, as well as strengthening approaches that prevent such behavior.

Keywords:dementia, infantilization, social work with people with dementia, participation, independence, communication, stigmatization

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