
Ugotavljanje pomembnosti grafičnih elementov na embalažah z uporabo nevromarketinga
ID Gruden, Tea (Author), ID Toroš, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dandanes je razumevanje potrošnikovih želja in zanimanj izredno pomemben del trženja, saj tako izdelke prilagodimo željam potrošnikov. Njihove želje in zanimanja pa izvemo s pomočjo raznih raziskav, recimo z uporabo nevromarketinga. Namen diplomske naloge je bil s pomočjo nevromarketinga ugotoviti, kateri določeni element na embalaži soka v potrošniku vzbudi največ zanimanja in mu pritegne največ pozornosti k celotni embalaži. Uporabili smo raziskavo glede podzavestnega odločanja, torej nevromarketing, bolj natančno elektroencefalografijo, ter raziskavo glede zavestnega odločanja, torej testiranje z anketo. Najprej smo se za lažje razumevanje celotne raziskave poglobili v literaturo o nevromarketingu in njegovem pomenu v industriji. Raziskali smo tudi posamezne grafične elemente v grafičnem oblikovanju ter v raziskavi teh določili hipoteze, na podlagi katerih smo ustvarili osem različic embalaže soka, ki so se med seboj razlikovale v barvi, vrsti pisave ter velikosti pisave. Uporabili smo dve barvi, nasičeno oranžno in nenasičeno oranžno, dva različni pisavi, rokopisno in serifno, ter dve velikosti pisave, večjo in manjšo velikost. S kombiniranjem vseh različnih elementov smo tako oblikovali osem različic embalaže za sok. Vse različice smo respondentom predstavili na merjenju z uporabo programa Unicorn Blondy Check in naprave Unicorn Hybrid Black in tako pridobili podzavestne odgovore. S testiranjem z anketo, ki so ga respondenti opravili po opravljenem merjenju, smo pridobili zavestne odgovore. S pomočjo merjenja in testiranja z anketo smo pridobili odgovore in z upoštevanjem rezultatov obeh testiranj smo lahko potrdili ali ovrgli hipoteze. Prvo hipotezo, ki pravi, da je za uporabo na embalažah sokov bolj primerna nasičena oranžna barva, smo potrdili. Drugo hipotezo, ki pravi, da je za uporabo na embalažah sokov bolj primerna večja velikost pisave, smo prav tako potrdili. Tretjo hipotezo, ki pravi, da je za uporabo na embalažah bolj primerna serifna pisava, smo ovrgli. Zadnjo in četrto hipotezo, ki pravi, da bo za potrošnike najbolj zanimiva različica embalaže z nasičeno oranžno barvo, serifno pisavo v večji velikosti, najmanj pa bo za njih zanimiva različica z nenasičeno oranžno barvo, rokopisno pisavo v manjši velikosti, pa smo samo delno potrdili. Za nadaljnje razumevanje in večjo veljavnost rezultatov bi bilo potrebno izvesti dodatne raziskave in meritve; v idealnih pogojih bi bilo to z večjim številom respondentov. Tako bi pridobili bolj veljavne odgovore, že zaradi volumna respondentov. Priporočljivo bi bilo testiranje respondentov iz več različnih starostnih skupin ter različnih okolij ali kultur.

Keywords:Nevromarketing, embalaža, elektroencefalografija, grafični element.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:Determining importance of graphic elements on packaging using neuromarketing
Understanding consumers’ wishes and interests is a tremendously important part of marketing because, with this understanding, we adapt certain products to consumers’ wishes. We learn their interests through various research and the use of neuromarketing. The goal of this diploma thesis was to determine which specific element in juice packaging was most interesting to consumers and attracted the most attention. We learned that through researching subconscious decision making, that is neuromarketing, more precisely electroencephalography, and conscious decision making, a survey test. To better understand the entire research, we first learned about neuromarketing through literature and its meaning in the industry. We also researched individual graphic elements in graphic design. Utilizing this research, we determined hypotheses, based on which we designed eight versions of juice packaging, which differed from each other in colour, font type, and font size. We used two colours, saturated orange and desaturated orange, a handwritten font, and a serif font which were either smaller or larger. All eight versions were presented to the respondents during the research using the Unicorn Blondy Check program and its corresponding device called Unicorn Hybrid Black, thus obtaining subconscious responses. With survey testing, which the respondents completed after the electroencephalography test, we obtained conscious answers. By considering the results of both tests, we were able to confirm or refute the hypothesis. We confirmed the first hypothesis, which states that the saturated orange colour is more suitable for use on juice packaging. We also confirmed the second hypothesis which states that a larger font size is more suitable for use on juice packaging. We refuted the third hypothesis which states that a serif font is more suitable for use on packaging. The last and fourth hypothesis, which states that consumers will be more interested in the juice packaging version, which includes a saturated orange colour, and a serif font in a larger size, and least interested in the version, that includes a desaturated orange colour and a handwritten font in a smaller size, was only partially confirmed. For further understanding and a greater validity of the results, it would be necessary to carry out additional research and measurement, ideally with a larger number of respondents. Thus, more valid answers would be obtained due to the volume of respondents. It would also be advisable to test respondents from several different age groups and respondents with a different background and cultures.

Keywords:Neuromarketing, packaging, electroencephalography, graphic element.

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