
Vloga socialnega dela s stanovalci z demenco v domovih za stare na Koroškem
ID Naglič, Nika (Author), ID Mali, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Demenca je degenerativna bolezen, ki se najpogosteje pojavi v starosti nad 65 let in prizadene posameznikovo sposobnost komuniciranja, spomina, mišljenja ter sposobnost učenja. Socialna delavka v domu za stare ljudi prevzema različne vloge in pri tem uporablja koncepte socialnega dela. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila teme, kot so opredelitev in vrste demence, modeli razumevanja demence, dolgotrajna oskrba, modeli oskrbe v domu za stare, vloga socialne delavke, koncepte, ki jih pri delu uporablja, ter kakšen vpliv je imela epidemija covida-19 na delovanje doma za stare. S pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave sem želela izvedeti, kakšni modeli oskrbe obstajajo v domovih za stare na Koroškem, kakšne so specifične naloge socialne delavke, katere koncepte uporablja socialna delavka pri delu z ljudmi z demenco ter kakšen vpliv je imela epidemija covida-19 na njeno delo, stanovalce ter njihove sorodnike. Izvedla sem 10 intervjujev s socialnimi delavkami in vodji oddelka za stanovalce z demenco, ki imajo različno vrsto izobrazbe in so na svojem delovnem mestu zaposleni več kot tri leta. Rezultati so pokazali, da se v koroških domovih uporablja integriran model oskrbe, kjer ljudje z demenco sobivajo z ostalimi stanovalci. Naloge socialne delavke so sprejemi novih stanovalcev, sodelovanje s sorodniki in izdelovanje individualnega načrta. Socialna delavka v domu za stare deluje kot zagovornica stanovalčevih pravic, prepoznava in krepi močne točke ljudi z demenco, po potrebi izvaja oceno tveganja ter organizira in vodi timske sestanke. V času epidemije covida-19 se je socialna delavka srečevala s spremembami na področju organizacije dela, s stiskami sorodnikov in stanovalcev, kjer je bila ena izmed njenih pomembnejših nalog vzpostavljanje stika med stanovalci in sorodniki. Za zagotavljanje nemotenega dela v domu za stare predlagam vzpostavitev rednih timskih sestankov in udeleževanje socialnih delavk na izobraževalnih programih s področja razumevanja konceptov socialnega dela z ljudmi z demenco.

Keywords:sorodniki, ljudje z demenco, dom za stare, socialno delo, epidemija covida 19
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160871 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of social work with people with dementia in homes for older people in Koroška
Dementia is a degenerative disease that occurs most often over the age of 65 and affects a person's ability to communicate, remember, think and learn. The social worker in a home for older people takes on different roles, applying social work concepts. In the theoretical part, I have presented topics such as the definition and types of dementia, models of understanding dementia, long-term care, models of care in homes for the older people, the role of the social worker, the concepts she uses in her work, and the impact of the pandemic Covid-19 on the functioning of homes for older people. Through qualitative research I wanted to explore what models of care exist in homes for older people in Koroška, what the specific tasks of a social worker are, what concepts do social workers use when working with people with dementia, and what the impact of the pandemic on the work of a social worker, the residents and their relatives is. I conducted 10 interviews with social workers and head departments for residents with dementia, who have different types of education and have had their job for more than three years. The results showed that an integrated model of care is used in Koroška homes, where people with dementia coexist with other residents. The social worker's tasks include welcoming new residents, working with relatives and drawing up an individual plan. The social worker in the home for older people acts as an advocate for the resident's rights, identifies and reinforces the strengths of people with dementia, carries out risk assessments where necessary and organises and leads team meetings. During the pandemic of Covid-19, the social worker was confronted with changes in the organisation of work, with the difficulties of relatives and residents, where her task was to establish contact between residents and relatives. In order to ensure the smooth running of the work in the homes for older people I suggest that regular team meetings be set up and that social workers attend training programmes on understanding the concepts of social work with people with dementia.

Keywords:relatives, people with dementia, home for older people, social work, epidemic covid-19

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