
Oksidativni stres pri telesni aktivnosti in vpliv različnih prehranskih dopolnil z antioksidanti na vnetne označevalce, okrevanje ter uspešnost športnikov: pregled literature
ID Žarn, Tadeja (Author), ID Mravljak, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ozadje: Oksidativni stres je kemični stres, kjer gre za porušeno ravnovesje med prooksidanti in antioksidanti v korist prvih. Glavni razlog za njegov pojav so škodljivi radikali, katerih nastajanje se poveča med telesno aktivnostjo. Pri vadbi nastajajo med ponavljajočimi se kontrakcijami skeletnih mišic zaradi povečane porabe kisika, kar izzove povečano uhajanje elektronov iz kompleksov dihalnih verig v mitohondrijih. Nastajanje reaktivnih kisikovih zvrsti je povezano z oksidativnimi poškodbami v več tkivih: povečana oksidacija beljakovin in glutationa, peroksidacija lipidov, pospešena utrujenost, poškodbe mišic, vnetja in zmanjšana zmogljivost športnikov. Za zmanjšanje utrujenosti in izboljšanje atletske uspešnosti so športniki začeli uporabljati antioksidativne dodatke, vendar so raziskave o njihovi učinkovitosti doslej pokazale nekonsistentne rezultate. Namen: Namen magistrske naloge je sistematično pregledati literaturo na tematiko oksidativnega stresa pri posameznikih, ki so redno telesno aktivni in ovrednotiti vpliv prehranskih dopolnil z antioksidanti na vnetne označevalce, okrevanje in uspešnost športnikov. Za oceno smo spremljali različne biološke označevalce v krvi: MDA, TNF-α, IL-6, CRP, CK, GSH, LDL, SOD, GPx, CAT in TAC. Metode: Po sestavi ustreznega iskalnega profila smo literaturo iskali v podatkovnih bazah PubMed ter Web of Science, pri čemer smo sledili načelom Priporočljivih postavk poročanja za sistematične preglede in metaanalize. Rezultati: Od skupno 1263 zadetkov smo v pregled vključili 28 raziskav, ki so ustrezale vključitvenim kriterijem. Podrobno smo jih prebrali in v preglednico zbrali osnovne podatke s kratkim povzetkom. Ocenili smo kakovost izbranih raziskav ter jih analizirali glede na državo izvedbe, leto objave in število udeležencev. Nato smo izvedli vsebinsko primerjavo, kjer smo razdelili raziskave po podobnosti dodatkov v podskupine. Raziskave so pokazale nekonsistentne rezultate, vendar večinoma zaznamo, da dodajanje antioksidantov ne vpliva zaščitno pred mišičnimi poškodbami in smo zasledili zelo malo dokazov o izboljšani telesni zmogljivosti. Večina raziskav je poročala o pozitivnem učinku antioksidantov na znižanje ravni oksidativnega stresa in vnetja ter povišanje ravni antioksidantov v plazmi in celicah. Ob dodatkih pogosto opazimo znižanje MDA, TNF-α, IL-6 ter CRP in višje vrednosti TAC, SOD in GPx v primerjavi s placebom. Sklep: Na osnovi našega sistematičnega pregleda literature lahko zaključimo, da je omenjena tematika kompleksna in je še vedno v središču razprav. Za zanesljivejše ugotovitve bi potrebovali ožji in bolj specifičen pregled posameznega dodatka na točno določeno obliko gibanja z večjim številom preiskovancev.

Keywords:trenirani športniki, oksidativni stres, antioksidanti, vnetje, uspešnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160868 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Oxidative stress during physical activity and the influence of different antioxidant supplements on inflammatory markers, recovery and performance of athletes: a literature review
Background: Oxidative stress is a chemical stress where the balance between prooxidants and antioxidants is disturbed in favor of the former. The main reason for its appearance is harmful radicals, the production of which increases during physical activity. During exercise, they are formed during repeated contractions of skeletal muscles due to increased oxygen consumption, which provokes an increased leakage of electrons from the respiratory chain complexes in the mitochondria. The generation of reactive oxygen species is associated with oxidative damage in several tissues: increased protein and glutathione oxidation, lipid peroxidation, accelerated fatigue, muscle damage, inflammation and reduced performance in athletes. Athletes have begun using antioxidant supplements to reduce fatigue and improve athletic performance, but research on their effectiveness has so far shown inconsistent results. Aim: The aim of the master's thesis is to systematically review the literature on the subject of oxidative stress in individuals who are regularly physically active and to evaluate the impact of nutritional supplements with antioxidants on inflammatory markers, recovery and performance of athletes. For evaluation, we monitored various biological markers in the blood: MDA, TNF-α, IL-6, CRP, CK, GSH, LDL, SOD, GPx, CAT and TAC. Methods: After compiling an appropriate search profile, we searched the literature in the PubMed and Web of Science databases, following the principles of the Recommended Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Results: From a total of 1263 hits, we included 28 studies that met the inclusion criteria. We read them and collected the basic data with a short summary in a spreadsheet. We assessed the quality of the selected research and analysed it according to the country of implementation, the year of publication and the number of participants. Then we carried out a substantive comparison, where we divided the research into subgroups according to the similarity of the supplements. Research has shown inconsistent results, but for the most part we find that antioxidant supplementation is not protective against muscle damage, and we have found very little evidence of improved physical performance. Most studies have reported a positive effect of antioxidants on reducing levels of oxidative stress and inflammation and increasing levels of antioxidants in plasma and cells. A decrease in MDA, TNF-α, IL-6 and CRP and higher values of TAC, SOD and GPx compared to placebo are often observed with supplements. Conclusion: Based on our systematic review of the literature, we can conclude that the mentioned topic is complex and is still at the center of discussions. For more reliable findings, we would need a narrower and more specific examination of each supplement for a specific form of movement with a larger number of subjects

Keywords:trained athletes, oxidative stress, antioxidants, inflammation, performance

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