
Računalnik ali pametni telefon? Dejavniki izbire naprave za spletno nakupovanje
ID Gorenc, Mojca (Author), ID Grošelj, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Digitalna neenakost je neenak dostop do interneta, kar se kaže tudi v načinu dostopa do spletnih storitev. Ker je spletno nakupovanje zelo razširjeno, sem preučevala, kako različni ljudje dostopajo do storitev spletnega nakupovanja. Načini dostopa so danes zelo različni, saj je internet dostopen skorajda povsod – zato se tudi ljudje lahko odločajo, ali bodo dostopali do interneta doma prek računalnikov in tablic ali pa na poti prek pametnega telefona. Raziskovala sem, kdo največ nakupuje prek spleta na mobilnem telefonu, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na izbiro naprave in katero napravo izberejo uporabniki glede na digitalne veščine. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila pojem digitalne neenakosti in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na digitalno neenakost, kot so socio-demografski dejavniki, digitalne veščine, dejavniki uporabe interneta. Opravljena je bila sekundarna analiza podatkov, zbranih v okviru raziskave Slovensko javno mnenje 2018. Postavila sem tri hipoteze, ki sem jih na koncu potrdila oziroma zavrgla. Prvi dve hipotezi, ki govorita o starosti in izobrazbi kot socio-demografska dejavnika izbire naprave, sem potrdila. Tretjo hipotezo, ki govori o digitalnih veščinah, pa sem zavrnila. To nakazuje, da na izbiro naprave vplivajo predvsem socio-demografski dejavniki.

Keywords:spletno nakupovanje, digitalna neenakost, socio-demografski dejavniki, mobilni telefon, računalnik, digitalne veščine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160846 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Computer or smartphone? Factors of choosing a device for online shopping
Digital inequality is unequal access to the Internet, which is also reflected in the way people access digital services. Since online shopping is so widespread, I studied how different people access online shopping services. The ways of access are diverse, as the Internet is accessible practically everywhere - so people can also decide whether they will access the Internet in the comfort of their home via computers and tablets or on the go via mobile phone. I researched who chooses to do online shopping on a mobile phone, which factors influence the choice of a device and which device users choose based on their digital skills. In the theoretical part, I presented the concept of digital inequality and the factors that influence digital inequality. Such as socio-demographic factors, there are also factors of Internet use and digital skills. A secondary analysis of survey data collected as part of the Slovenian Public Opinion 2018 survey was carried out. I set up three hypotheses, which I confirmed or rejected in the end. I confirmed the first two hypotheses, which talk about age and education as socio-demographic factors of the device choice. I rejected the third hypothesis, which talks about digital skills. This suggests that the choice of a device is mainly influenced by the socio-demographic factors.

Keywords:online shopping, digital inequality, socio-demographic factors, mobile phone, computer, digital skills

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