
Pomen in vpliv zvočne znamke
ID Nose, Martina (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cocej Minatti, Ned (Comentor)

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Namen raziskave je preučiti pomen in vpliv zvočne znamke na potrošnike, s posebnim poudarkom na razumevanju, pomnjenju in prepoznavanju znamke. Raziskava se osredotoča na dve hipotezi: (H1) zvočna identiteta pozitivno vpliva na razumevanje znamke in (H2) zvočna identiteta pozitivno vpliva na pomnjenje in prepoznavanje znamke. Metodologija raziskave temelji na kvantitativnem pristopu, kjer sta bili za zbiranje podatkov uporabljeni spletni anketi. Ciljna skupini so bili potrošniki različnih starostnih skupin in demografskih značilnosti. Anketa je vsebovala strukturirana vprašanja, ki so merila percepcijo zvočnih znamk ter njihov vpliv na razumevanje, pomnjenje in prepoznavanje znamke. Zbrani podatki so bili analizirani s pomočjo deskriptivne statistike za preverjanje postavljenih hipotez. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da ima zvočna znamka pomemben vpliv na potrošnike, vendarle pa smo morali hipotezo H1 zavreči, saj rezultati v povprečju niso pokazali, da bi imela zvočna identiteta večji vpliv na razumevanje znamke med potrošniki. Po drugi strani je bila potrjena hipoteza H2, ki je pokazala, da zvočna identiteta pozitivno vpliva na pomnjenje in prepoznavanje znamke. Ugotovitve raziskave potrjujejo, da zvočni elementi igrajo pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju močne znamke. Podjetjem bi zagotovo priporočili, da v svoje trženjske strategije vključijo premišljene zvočne elemente, saj ti ne le izboljšajo razumevanje znamke, temveč tudi povečujejo njeno prepoznavnost in pomnjenje med potrošniki.

Keywords:znamka, zvočna znamka, zvočna identiteta, identiteta znamke, zvočni logotip
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160831-1f05da40-59d0-4a2c-7b49-9d143ef34cc7 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Importance and impact of sonic branding
The purpose of the research is to examine the meaning and impact of a sonic brand on consumers, with a particular focus on brand understanding, recall and recognition. The research focuses on two hypotheses: (H1) sonic identity positively impacts brand understanding and (H2) sonic identity positively impacts brand recall and recognition. The research methodology is quantitative, where two online surveys were used to collect data. The target groups were consumers of different age groups and demographic characteristics. The survey contained structured questions measuring the perception of brand sound elements and their impact on brand understanding, recall, and recognition. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics to test the hypotheses. The results of the study show that brand sonic identity has a significant impact on consumers, however, we had to reject hypothesis H1, as the results did not show that, on average, brand sonic identity has a greater impact on consumers' understanding of the brand. On the other hand, hypothesis H2 was confirmed, which showed that sonic identity positively impacts brand recall and recognition. The findings of the study confirm that sound elements play a key role in creating a strong brand. We would certainly recommend that companies include well-thought-out sound elements in their marketing strategies, as these not only improve brand understanding but also increase brand recognition and recall among consumers. Further research could focus on specific industries and investigate how different sound elements influence different target groups of consumers.

Keywords:brand, sonic brand, sonic identity, brand identity, sound logo

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