
Nanos ß-ciklodekstrina in eteričnega olja Kraškega šetraja za dosego protimikrobnosti bombažne tkanine
ID Skoko, Jasna (Author), ID Kert, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vse več znanstvenih raziskav vključuje sredstva z manjšim vplivom na okolje za obdelavo tekstilij, kar je tudi ena od smernic trajnostnega pristopa v tekstilstvu. Mednje sodijo ciklodekstrini, ki so sposobni vključiti v lipofilno notranjost nepolarne spojine, med katere sodijo eterična olja (EO). Zaradi vse večje odpornosti patogenih bakterij na protimikrobna sredstva, so novejše raziskave usmerjene v preučevanje protimikrobne aktivnosti EO. Le-ta so občutljiva na dejavnike iz okolja, zato jih mikrokapsulirajo ali vključujejo v ciklodekstrine. V magistrskem delu je bila preučevana protimikrobna aktivnost bombažne tkanine, impregnirane z ß-ciklodekstrinom (ß-CD) in pršene z EO kraškega šetraja. Sprememba fizikalno-mehanskih lastnosti bombažne tkanine po impregnaciji z ß-CD je bila ovrednotena z meritvami ploščinske mase, zračne prepustnosti, nateznih lastnosti in previsne dolžine. Protimikrobna aktivnost apretiranih vzorcev je bila testirana proti bakterijama Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Biorazgradnja je bila spremljana z zakopom vzorcev v zemljo ter vizualno in spektrofotometrično ocenjena z meritvami njihove beline in barve ter z infrardečo spektroskopijo s Fourierjevo transformacijo (FT-IR). Rezultati so pokazali, da sta se vzorcu, apretiranemu z ß-CD povišali ploščinska masa in previsna dolžina, medtem ko so se natezne lastnosti in zračna prepustnost znižale. Prisotnost novih absorpcijskih trakov, značilnih za ß-CD in EO je bila potrjena z analizo FT-IR. Neoprani vzorci, impregnirani z ß-CD pred pršenjem EO in po njem so izkazovali odlično sposobnost redukcije bakterij E. coli in S. aureus. Po desetih pranjih so apretirani vzorci izkazovali zadovoljivo redukcijo le še za E. coli, najboljše protimikrobno delovanje med njimi pa je izkazal vzorec apretiran z ß-CD in 100-odstotnim EO. Biorazgradnja apretiranih vzorcev je potekala počasneje kot neapretiranega. Oprani apretirani vzorci so bili bolj dovzetni za biorazgradnjo od neopranih apretiranih vzorcev.

Keywords:bombaž, β-ciklodekstrin, kraški šetraj, protimikrobnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160829-fc2c3bde-6746-6289-6c00-d8dc31562ca7 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Application of ß-cyclodextrin and essential oil of Satureja montana to achieve antimicrobial activity of cotton fabric
More and more scientific research includes the use of agents with a lower environmental impact, which is also one of the guidelines for a sustainable approach in the textile industry. These include cyclodextrins, which are able to incorporate non-polar compounds, including essential oils (EOs), into their lipophilic interior. Due to the increasing resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antimicrobial agents, recent research has focused on the antimicrobial activity of EOs. These are sensitive to environmental factors and are therefore microencapsulated or incorporated into cyclodextrins. In this master thesis, the antimicrobial activity of cotton fabric impregnated with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and then sprayed with Satureja montana EO was investigated. The change in the physical-mechanical properties of the cotton fabric after impregnation with β-CD was evaluated by measuring the mass per surface area, air permeability, tensile properties and bending length. The antimicrobial activity of the treated fabrics was tested against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacteria. Biodegradation of the samples was monitored after their burial in soil and evaluated visually and spectrophotometrically by measuring their whiteness and colour and by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The results showed an increase in mass per surface area and bending length of the β-CD-treated sample, while tensile properties and air permeability decreased. The presence of new β-CD- and EO-specific absorption bands was confirmed by FT-IR analysis. Unwashed samples impregnated with β-CD before and after spraying with EO showed excellent percentage of reduction of E. coli and S. aureus. After ten washes, finished samples showed a satisfactory reduction only for E. coli, and the best antimicrobial activity was shown by the sample finished with β-CD and 100 % EO. Biodegradation of finished samples was slower compared to the unfinished sample. The finished and washed samples were more susceptible to biodegradation compared to the unwashed finished samples.

Keywords:cotton, β-cyclodextrin, Satureja montana, antimicrobial activity

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