
Geokemični odtis zobozdravstvene dejavnosti v okolju : magistrsko delo
ID Žarkovič, Zala (Author), ID Rogan Šmuc, Nastja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gaberšek, Martin (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu smo preučevali geokemični odtis zobozdravstvene dejavnosti v okolju s poudarkom na izpustih potencialno strupenih elementov (PSE) in trdnih delcev. Vzorčenje cestnega prahu in trdnih delcev v zraku je potekalo v Mariboru in njegovi okolici. Cilji raziskave so bili ugotoviti, ali zobozdravstvene dejavnosti povzročajo izpuste PSE v tolikšni meri, da jih lahko zaznamo v zunanjem okolju, identificirati trdne delce ter kemične elemente, značilne za zobozdravstveno dejavnost, ter opredeliti morfološke in kemične lastnosti trdnih nosilcev PSE, ki izvirajo iz zobozdravstvene dejavnosti. Mineralno sestavo vzorcev smo določili z rentgensko praškovno difrakcijo (XRD). Analiza je pokazala, da prevladujeta dolomit in kremen, prisotni so bili tudi illit, plagioklazi, kalcit, amfiboli in kaolinit ter v manjših vsebnostih verjetno tudi hematit in halit. Kemična analiza cestnega prahu z induktivno sklopljeno plazmo z masnim spektrometrom (ICP-MS) je pokazala statistično značilno višje vsebnosti živega srebra (Hg), srebra (Ag), paladija (Pd), zlata (Au) in delno platine (Pt) v bližini zobozdravstvenih ordinacij. Z uporabo elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM/EDS) smo v vzorcih odkrili ostružke nepravilnih oblik z različnimi vsebnostmi srebra (Ag), zlata (Au), bakra (Cu), živega srebra (Hg), paladija (Pd) in kositra (Sn). Vsi delci so bili ostrorobi in nekateri so kazali znake abrazije. Ker so ti elementi sestavni deli materialov, ki se uporabljajo v zobozdravstvu in smo njihove najvišje vsebnosti odkrili v bližini zobozdravstvenih ordinacij, sklepamo, da izvirajo iz zobozdravstvene dejavnosti. Določili smo tudi posamezne druge trdne delce, ki lahko izvirajo iz zobozdravstva (Co-Cr-zlitine, Bi-O- in Zr-O-delci). Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da zobozdravstvene dejavnosti povzročajo zadostne izpuste nekaterih PSE v obliki značilnih trdnih delcev, da jih lahko zaznamo v okolju v bližini ordinacij, tako v mestih kot na podeželju.

Keywords:geokemija, potencialno strupeni elementi, trdni delci, zobozdravstvena dejavnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Z. Žarkovič
Number of pages:XV, 66 str., 2 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160827-bcaff10c-72e4-c4f3-88d3-328de8d5a041 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212061955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
ŽARKOVIČ, Zala, 2024, Geokemični odtis zobozdravstvene dejavnosti v okolju : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : Z. Žarkovič. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Geochemical imprint of dentistry in environment : master's thesis
This master's thesis examines the geochemical imprint of dentistry in the environment, focusing on the emissions of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and particulate matter. Sampling of street dust and airborne particulate matter was conducted in Maribor and its surrounding areas. The goal of the study was to determine whether dental activities emit PTEs to a detectable extent in the outdoor environment, to identify the particulate matter and chemical elements characteristic of dental activities, and to define the morphological and chemical properties of the solid PTE carriers originating from dental activities. The mineral composition of the samples was determined using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). The analysis showed the predominance of dolomite and quartz, along with the presence of illite, plagioclase, calcite, amphiboles, kaolinite and probably smaller amounts of hematite and halite. Chemical analysis of street dust using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) showed statistically significant higher contents of mercury (Hg), silver (Ag), gold (Au), palladium (Pd), and partly platinum (Pt) near dental clinics. Using scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS), we discovered irregularly shaped fragments in the samples with varying amounts of silver (Ag), gold (Au), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), palladium (Pd), and tin (Sn). All particles were sharp-edged, and some showed signs of abrasion. Since these elements are components of materials used in dentistry and their highest contents were found near dental clinics, we conclude that they originate from dental activities. We also found individual other solid particles that may originate from dentistry (Co-Cr alloys, Bi-O and Zr-O particles. The results of the study showed that dental activities cause sufficient emissions of certain PTEs in the form of characteristic particulate matter, detectable in the environment near clinics, both in urban and rural areas.

Keywords:geochemistry, potentially toxic elements, particulate matter, dentistry

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