
Okoljski vpliv proizvodnje bakrenega prenosnika toplote
ID Hren, Matic (Author), ID Mori, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Plinske peči so pogost način ogrevanja v bivalnih objektih. Eden izmed njihovih glavnih sestavnih delov je prenosnik toplote. V okviru zaključnega dela smo raziskali, kako lahko z določenimi ukrepi znotraj proizvodnega procesa prenosnika toplote iz bakra ohranimo njegovo funkcionalnost, pri čemer zmanjšamo okoljski vpliv pri njegovi proizvodnji. To smo izvedli s pomočjo študije življenjskih ciklov. Obseg študije je bil od zibelke do vrat (konca proizvodnje). S pomočjo proizvodnega procesa smo postavili referenčni LCA model v okolju LCA for experts. Naknadno smo postavili še dodaten LCA model, ki pa se je od referenčnega razlikoval po količini upčorabljenega bakra in električne energije ter vpeljavi laserskega površinskega obdelovalnega procesa reber. Analizirali smo rezultate in naredili primerjavo okoljskih vplivov. Ugotovili smo, da je v našem primeru z zmanjšanjem količine uporabljenega bakra kljub ob malo večji porabi električne energije možno zmanjšati okoljski vpliv proizvodnega procesa bakrenega prenosnika toplote.

Keywords:bakreni prenosnik toplote, okoljski vplivi, laserska obdelava površin, študija življenjskih ciklov, ogljični odtis
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Number of pages:X, 27 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160819-1de487eb-57e1-b274-2d73-4d603c88b421 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:215890179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Environmental impact of the production of copper heat exchanger
Gas furnances are a common method of heating in residential buildings. One of their main components is a heat exchanger. In this study, we explored how certain measures within the production process of a copper heat exchanger can maintain its functionality, while reducing the environmental impact of its production. We did this with the help of a life cycle study. The scope of the study was from cradle to door (end of production). With the help of the production process, we set up a reference LCA model in the LCA for experts environment. Subsequently, we set up an additional LCA model, which differed from the reference model in the amount of copper and electricity used, as well as the introduction of a laser surface treatment process for the fins. We analyzed the results and made a comparison of environmental impacts. We found that in our case, by reducing the amount of copper used, despite slightly higher electricity consumption, it is possible to reduce the environmental impact of the production process of the copper heat exchanger.

Keywords:copper heat exchanger, environmental impacts, laser surface treatment, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint

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