
Vpliv mlečnokislinske fermentacije na vsebnost bioaktivnih snovi in zmanjšanje pekočine plodov čilijev
ID Tominšek, Natalija (Author), ID Jamnik, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zamljen, Tilen (Comentor)

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Čiliji vsebujejo zdravju koristne snovi, kot so vitamini, minerali, fenoli, karotenoidi in kapsaicinoidi. Slednji ob zaužitju vzbudijo pekoč občutek, kar omejuje redno in zadostno vključevanje čilijev v prehrano. V magistrski nalogi smo ugotavljali, kako na vsebnost bioaktivnih snovi in zmanjšanje pekočine past iz različno pekočih sort svežih in skladiščenih čilijev vplivajo tri vrste mlečnokislinskih fermentacij (spontana, vodena z Lactobacillus plantarum in Lactobacillus fermentum). Med fermentacijo smo spremljali koncentracijo mlečnokislinskih bakterij in pH, nato pa smo vzorce past čilijev pred (0 ur) in po fermentaciji (24, 48 in 72 ur) ovrednotili z merjenjem barve, določanjem vsebnosti sladkorjev, mlečne kisline, askorbinske kisline, fenolnih snovi, karotenoidov in kapsaicinoidov ter z organoleptičnim testom. Največja koncentracija mlečne kisline je bila določena pri fermentaciji z L. plantarum, prav tako se je ta vrsta fermentacije izkazala kot najboljša za ohranitev vsebnosti askorbinske kisline in barve past čilijev. Fenolne snovi in karotenoidi so se pri vseh vrstah fermentacij pri večini obravnavanj dobro ohranili. Do zmanjšanja vsebnosti kapsaicinoidov je prišlo le pri vodeni fermentaciji z L. plantarum pri pasti čilijev 'Monkey face'. Obenem je organoleptični test pokazal, da se je pekočina med fermentacijo zmanjšala pri vseh vrstah fermentacij, s tem da je bilo zmanjšanje največje pri fermentaciji z L. plantarum. Le-ta je pri organoleptičnem testu dosegla tudi najboljše ocene všečnosti. Glede na vse rezultate magistrske naloge ugotavljamo, da se je od treh vrst fermentacij čilijev kot najboljša izkazala vodena fermentacija z L. plantarum.

Keywords:čili, Capsicum spp., mlečnokislinska fermentacija, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, spontana fermentacija, bioaktivne snovi, zmanjšanje pekočine, mlečna kislina, askorbinska kislina, fenolne snovi, karotenoidi, kapsaicinoidi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160812-5ede0df1-c4f3-76c6-7f63-2d613fd26c84 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206516995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:The effect of lactic acid fermentation on bioactive compounds content and pungency reduction of chilies
Chilies contain a variety of health promoting compounds such as vitamins, minerals, phenolics, carotenoids and capsaicinoids. When ingested, capsaicinoids cause a burning sensation, which reduces regular and sufficient integration of chilies in a diet. In this master thesis we investigated the effect of three types of lactic acid fermentations (spontaneous, guided by Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum) on bioactive compounds content and pungency reduction of pastes from fresh and stored chili varieties with different degree of pungency. During fermentation we monitored the concentration of lactic acid bacteria and pH value. Then we analysed the samples of chili pastes before (0 hours) and after fermentation (24, 48 and 72 hours) by measuring colour, determining the content of sugars, lactic acid, ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds, carotenoids and capsaicinoids and by an organoleptic test. The highest lactic acid concentration was determined in pastes fermented with L. plantarum, which also proved to be the best type of fermentation for preserving the ascorbic acid content and the colour of the chili pastes. Phenolic compounds and carotenoids were well preserved in most treatments for all fermentation types. The capsaicinoid content was reduced only by fermentation with L. plantarum in 'Monkey face' chili paste. However, in the organoleptic test a pungency reduction was observed in all fermentation types, with the reduction being greatest by L. plantarum. The latter also scored the highest in the organoleptic test in terms of likeability. Considering all the results of this thesis, we have conclude that, of the three types of chili fermentation, the one guided by L. plantarum is the most suitable.

Keywords:chili, Capsicum spp., lactic acid fermentation, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, spontaneous fermentation, bioactive compounds, pungency reduction, lactic acid, ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds, carotenoids, capsaicinoids

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