
Terminsko sajenje vrtne solate (Lactuca sativa) na hidroponskem sistemu in v tleh
ID Gantar, Natalija (Author), ID Kacjan Maršić, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem poskusu, ki je potekal od marca do septembra 2023, v rastlinjaku na Laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete, smo primerjali terminsko pridelavo vrtne solate (Lactuca sativa L.) na hidroponskem sistemu in v tleh. V poskus smo vključili sorto solate 'Joliac', pri kateri spremljali rast in razvoj pa smo v štirih terminih, od maja do septembra. Poskus smo zasnovali v 4 ponovitvah. Posamezno ponovitev je predstavljalo 10 rastlin na hidroponskem sistemu in 12 rastlin pri gojenju v tleh. Pridelava v tleh je potekala na zastrtih tleh, kjer smo rastline namakali s kapljičnim namakalnim sistemom. Za hidroponski sistem smo uporabili NFT sistem (Nutrient Film Technique). Pričakovani pridelek rozet je bil večji pri gojenju na hidroponskem sistemu, in sicer 3,8 kg/m2 (v prvem terminu), pri rastlinah v tleh pa 2,5 kg/m2 (v istem terminu). V spomladanskem terminu je bila dolžina rastne dobe rastlin na hidroponskem sistemu 4 tedne in 6 tednov pri pridelavi v tleh. V poletnih terminih so rastline na hidroponskem sistemu potrebovale 2 do 4 tedne do razvoja tehnološko zrelih rozet, pri pridelave v tleh pa 4 do 5 tednov. Delež suhe snovi v rastlinah solate, pridelane v poletnih mesecih je bil 12-14 % in se glede na sistem pridelave ni razlikoval. V pomladanskem terminu pa so imele rastline, pridelane v tleh večji delež suhe snovi (18 %) glede na rastline, pridelane na hidroponskem sistemu (9 %). Vsebnost nitrata je bila v hidroponsko pridelani solati največja v prvih dveh terminih (maj-junij in junij-julij), od 2700 mg/kg do 2800 mg/kg sveže mase in manjša v tretjem in četrtem terminu, od 2000 mg/kg sveže mase oz. 1000 mg/kg sveže mase in ni presegala zakonsko dovoljenih vrednosti. Pri pridelavi v tleh je solata vsebovala med 360 in 840 mg nitrata/kg sveže mase.

Keywords:solata, Lactuca sativa, hidroponika, pridelava, pridelek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160811-7ccdf464-3100-6b55-5af5-e80b05d5fd31 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206601731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Successive planting of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in hydroponics and in soil
In a graduation experiment conducted from March to September 2023 in the greenhouse of the Laboratory Field of the Biotechnical Faculty, the production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) on a hydroponic system and in soil. The lettuce variety 'Joliac' was icluded and growth and development were monitored over four growing period, from May to September. The experiment was designed in four replicates. Each replicate consisted of 10 plants on the hydroponic system and 12 plants on the soil system. Soil cultivation was carried out on a covered soil, where plants wereirrigated with a drip irrigation system. For the hydroponic system, a NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system was used. Results showed that the expected yield of rosettes was higher for the hydroponic system, 3,8 kg/m2 (in the first term) and 2,5 kg/m2 (in the same term) for the plants grown in soil. In spring, the growing period of the plants was 4 weeks for the hydroponic system and 6 weeks for the plants grown in soil. In summer, however, the plants on the hydroponic system needed 2 to 4 weeks to develop technologically mature rosettes, and 4 to 5 weeks for the soil-grown plants. The dry matter content of lettuce plants grown in summer was 12-14% and did not vary according to the production system. However, in spring , soil-grown plants had a higher proportion of dry matter (18%) compared with hydroponically -grown plants (9%). The nitrate content of hydroponically grown lettuce was highest in the first two terms (May-June and June-July), ranging from 2700 mg/kg to 2800 mg/kg fresh weight, and lower in the third and fourth terms (2000 mg/kg fresh weight and 1000 mg/kg fresh weight, respectively), and did not exceed the legal limits. When grown in soil, lettuce contained between 360 and 840 mg nitrate/kg fresh weight.

Keywords:lettuce, Lactuca sativa, hydroponics, production, crops

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