
Spremljanje prazgodovinskih procesov pridelave železa s sodobnimi analiznimi metodami
ID Kralj, Neža (Author), ID Kolar, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Črešnar, Matija (Comentor)

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V preteklosti so se na dolenjskih tleh ukvarjali s pridobivanjem železa iz rude. Gradili so talilne peči iz gline in s pomočjo oglja iz rude pridobivali železo. Kot stranski produkt je nastajala tudi žlindra. Za lažjo predstavo in boljšo interpretacijo arheoloških ostankov z arheološkega najdišča Cvinger pri Dolenjskih Toplicah, smo izvedli poskus rekonstrukcije prazgodovinske peči po ostalinah iz tistega časa. Po nabiranju gline in rude, praženju rude ter njenem mletju in sejanju, konstrukciji peči iz gline in njenemu sušenju smo izvedli proces pridobivanja železa. Po določenem času izvajanja procesa smo peč odprli, da se je ohladila. Sledilo je vzorčenje pomembnih delov peči in različnih tipov vzorcev. Vzorce smo analizirali s pomočjo sodobnih analiznih metod. Uporabljene metode za analizo vzorcev so bile Vrstična elektronska mikroskopija za analizo mikrostrukture, vrstična elektronska mikroskopija z energijsko disperzijskim rentgenskim detektorjem za okvirno kemijsko analizo ter, rentgenska fluorescenčna spektroskopija in induktivno sklopljena plazma sklopljena z optičnim emisijskim spektrometrom za kvantitativno analizo vzorca. Vzorci so pripadali štirim večjim sklopom, glini ter glini z žlindro, rudi, oglju in žlindri. Pri vzorcih gline in vzorcih gline z žlindro opazimo plastovito strukturo, vzorci pa so bogati s silicijem, aluminijem in kisikom. Rudo predstavljajo vzorci, ki so bogati z železovim oksidom in vsebujejo tudi nekaj silicija. Surovo oglje je kemijsko sestavljen iz ogljika in kisika. Žlindro pa predstavljajo vzorci, kjer opazimo žlindro, bogato z železovimi oksidi (težka tekoča žlindra) in žlindro bogato s silicijevimi in aluminijevimi oksidi (s keramiko bogata žlindra). Nekaj poudarka je na glini in trendu vsebnosti železa v vzorcih gline. Na koncu so pojasnjene tudi povezave med eksperimentalnimi vzorci in arheološkimi vzorci ter literaturo.

Keywords:vrstična elektronska mikroskopija, optično emisijska spektrometrija z induktivno sklopljeno plazmo, rentgenska fluorescenčna spektroskopija, ruda, glina, žlindra, starodavna peč
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160796-e913292a-6047-bfd3-7d64-33261c435c7c This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Monitoring prehistoric iron production processes with modern analytical methods
In the past, iron was obtained from ore in the area of southeastern Slovenia. They built smelting furnaces from clay and obtained iron with the help of coal and ore. Slag was also produced as a by-product. For an easier presentation and better interpretation of the archaeological remains from the archaeological site of Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice, an experiment was carried out to reconstruct a prehistoric furnace based on the remains from that time. After gathering clay and ore, roasting the ore and grinding and sifting it, constructing a clay furnace and drying it, the iron extraction process was carried out. After a certain time of running the process, the furnace was opened and cooled down. This was followed by sampling of important parts of the furnace and different types of samples. The samples were analyzed using modern analytical methods. Methods used for sample analysis were scanning electron microscopy for microstructure analysis, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray detector for approximate chemical analysis, x-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma coupled to optical emission spectrometer for quantitative sample analysis. The samples belonged to four major assemblages, clay and clay with slag, ore, charcoal and slag. The clay samples and samples of clay with slag have a layered structure, and the samples are rich in silicon, aluminum and oxygen. The ore is represented by samples that are rich in iron oxide and also contain some silicon. Raw coal is chemically composed of carbon and oxygen. The slag is represented by samples where we can see slag rich in iron oxides (heavy liquid slag) and slag rich in silicon and aluminum oxides (ceramic-rich slag). There is some emphasis on clay and the trend of iron content in clay samples. Finally, connections between experimental samples and archaeological samples and the literature are also explained.

Keywords:Scanning Electron Microscopy, Optical Emission Spectrometry with Inductively Coupled Plasma, X-Ray Fluorescence, Ore, Clay, Slag, Ancient Furnace

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