In this thesis, the potential of exploiting ecosystem services in the tourism sector and their utilization is examined. The possibility of cooperation between areas Dobrava and Jovsi, Terme Čatež and Terme Paradiso has been investigated. Dobrava and Jovsi lie to the eastern edge of the pannonian Slovenia, downriver Sotla, a few miles north of Brežice. Dobrava extends throughout the lowland forest, and Jovsi throughout the grassy plains at the river Sotla. A semi-structured and unstandardized interview has been used as our work method. Based on the conducted interviews it has been concluded that Terme Čatež and Terme Paradiso cooperate with the the operators of the area of Dobrava and Jovsi. Terme Čatež and Terme Paradiso exploit thermal water and attract tourists with unspoiled nature. They believe that the area of Dobrava and Jovsi are not recognizable outside of the Brežice county but that they have potential as part of other offers in the municipality. The operator does not have a marketing plan for ecosystem services and everything he does is the result of ideas and personal initiative. They have planned on linking with Kozjanski park and the pensioners club. Due to lack of financial resources there are no employment opportunities in the ecosystem services of the area of Dobrava and Jovsi. It is reasonable to further cooperate with spas and othertourism providers and if possible, deepen their cooperation. The recognition of the area of Dobrava and Jovsi should be improved and a marketing plan must be made in order to attract private investors.