
Pouk književnosti kot pomoč pri razumevanju strahu učencev tretjega razreda : magistrsko delo
ID Jamnik, Vesna (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 59F3BACD2021D9B2528E516BEC6497B1

Učitelji se morajo zavedati, da čustveni vidik učenca pomembno vpliva na njegovo delovanje v razredu, natančneje na njegovo učno učinkovitost in na odnose med sošolci. Eden izmed učinkovitih načinov za spodbujanje čustvene inteligence v razredu je zagotovo vključevanje interpretacije umetnostnih besedil z namenom čustvenega učenja učencev. V kolikšni meri bodo učitelji umetnostna besedila res vključevali s tem namenom, je odvisno od njihovega mnenja o tem, koliko lahko s pomočjo umetnostnih besedil spodbujamo čustveno razumevanje učencev. To vprašanje smo raziskali tudi v naši raziskavi. Zanimalo nas je, s katerim namenom učitelji razrednega pouka izbirajo umetnostna besedila in katere cilje si pri tem najpogosteje zastavljajo. Na podlagi literature smo izvedli tudi raziskavo med učenci 3. razreda, da bi ugotovili, kako učna ura književnosti in obravnava umetnostnega besedila Sibylle Delacroix Ptič na moji rami vpliva na razumevanje strahu med učenci. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili s spletnim vprašalnikom za učitelje razrednega pouka in z analizo učne ure ter vprašalnikom za učence 3. razreda. Vzorec je zajemal 58 učiteljev razrednega pouka in 20 učencev 3. razreda. Na podlagi rezultatov, zbranih s spletnimi vprašalniki, smo ugotovili, da se večina anketiranih učiteljev strinja ali popolnoma strinja, da lahko s pomočjo umetnostnih besedil učenci razvijajo čustveno inteligentnost. Iz odgovorov smo razbrali, da večina učiteljev pogosto vključuje pogovor o čustvih pri obravnavi umetnostnih besedil ter pri tem največkrat vključijo čustvo strah. Najpogosteje se odločajo za obravnavo določenega besedila zaradi njegove vsebinske privlačnosti za učence in ustreznosti za njihovo starost. Na podlagi rezultatov, ki smo jih pridobili od učencev, smo ugotovili, da je večina učencev pri obravnavi umetnostnega besedila pravilno prepoznala glavno čustvo književne junakinje. Analiza anket, ki so jih učenci izpolnili pred obravnavo učne ure in po njej, je pokazala, da je interpretacija umetnostnega besedila bistveno pripomogla k boljšemu razumevanju in izražanju čustva strah pri učencih. V zaključnem delu empiričnega dela smo analizirali učno uro po posameznih delih. Izvedba književnega pouka in metode, ki podpirajo razumevanje in izražanje čustev, bi lahko služila kot pomoč za učitelje, ki želijo te metode vključiti v svoj pouk književnosti.

Keywords:Strah, Biblioterapija, književni pouk, umetnostna besedila, čustveni razvoj, šolski otroci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:V. Jamnik
Number of pages:79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160767-a13cbbe0-7c2d-7294-5e5f-cfd684869d69 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206486787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Using literature lessons to help third graders understand fear
Teachers must recognize that the emotional aspect of a student significantly influences their performance in the classroom, particularly their learning efficiency and relationships with classmates. One effective way to promote emotional intelligence in the classroom is through the integration of literary texts aimed at emotional learning. The extent to which teachers will include literary texts for this purpose depends on their belief in the potential of such texts to foster emotional understanding among students. This issue was also explored in our study. We were interested in understanding the intentions behind primary school teachers' selection of literary texts and the objectives they most frequently set when using them. Based on literature, we also conducted a study among third-grade students to determine how a literature lesson and the discussion of the literary text “A Bird on My Shoulder” by Sibylle Delacroix affect students' understanding of fear. The empirical part presents the results obtained from an online questionnaire for primary school teachers and the analysis of the lesson and a questionnaire for third-grade students. The sample included 58 primary school teachers and 20 third-grade students. Based on the results gathered from the online questionnaires, we found that most of the surveyed teachers agree or strongly agree that literary texts can help students develop emotional intelligence. The responses indicated that most teachers often include discussions about emotions when dealing with literary texts, most frequently addressing the emotion of fear. Teachers most often choose a particular text due to its content appeal to students and its appropriateness for their age. Based on the results obtained from the students, we found that most students correctly identified the main emotion of the literary character when discussing the literary text. Analysis of the surveys completed by students before and after the lesson showed that the interpretation of the literary text significantly contributed to a better understanding and expression of the emotion of fear among students. In the final part of the empirical section, we analyzed the lesson in detail. The implementation of the literature lesson and methods that support the understanding and expression of emotions could serve as assistance for teachers who wish to incorporate these methods into their literature classes.

Keywords:literature lesson, literary texts, emotional development, school children

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