
Slikanice z romsko tematiko kot orodje za spodbujanje vključenosti in sprejemanja romskih otrok v razred : magistrsko delo
ID Barbič, Ines (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V Sloveniji so poleg drugih narodnosti naseljeni tudi Romi. Neromi do njih izvajajo diskriminacijo, imajo predsodke in so nestrpni do romske skupnosti. To se s starejših prenaša na otroke, ti pa so med izobraževanjem v vsakdanjih stikih z romskimi otroki. Teoretični del magistrskega dela temelji na predstavitvi Romov, problemski tematiki v književnosti in pomenu slikanic. Na koncu teoretičnega dela sem s pomočjo teoretičnih virov analizirala pet slikanic z romsko vsebino – Žabec in tujec (avtorja Maxa Velthuijsa), Jagoda (avtorice Saše Kerkoš), Most prijateljstva (avtorjev Stojana Hudorovaca, Brendija Bajta, Jasmina Hudorovaca in Tine Koščak), Kako so nastale gosli (romska ljudska) in O dečku, ki se je bal vode (avtorice Mojiceje Podgoršek). V prvem delu empiričnega dela sem na podlagi kvantitativne raziskave ugotovila, da več kot polovica učiteljev in učiteljic razrednega pouka (61,7 %) meni, da dobro poznajo romsko kulturo in način življenja. Prav tako jih več kot polovica pravi (55,6 %), da se v družbi z romskimi učenci dobro počutijo. 58 % učiteljev in učiteljic v pouk vključuje romsko tematiko, in sicer pri predmetih družba, spoznavanje okolja, slovenski jezik, glasbena umetnost in pri razrednih urah. 52 % učiteljev in učiteljic meni, da so romski učenci s strani otrok drugih narodnosti negativno sprejeti. V drugem delu empiričnega dela sem po izvedenih učnih urah v 1., 3. in v 5. razredu ugotovila, da učenci ne poznajo dobro Romov, njihove kulture in načina življenja, kljub temu da so z njimi vsakodnevno v stiku in prihajajo iz okolice, kjer je veliko prebivalcev romske narodnosti. Učenci namreč niso vedeli, da imajo Romi svojo zastavo in himno ter da prihajajo iz Indije. Delo temelji na literarni analizi in pedagoških metodah, s čimer bo skušala prispevati k razvoju smernic za učinkovito vključevanje romskih slikanic v izobraževalni proces.

Keywords:Romi, problemska tematika, slikanice
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:I. Barbič
Number of pages:VIII, 47 str., [18] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160766-ee9bb463-c5e3-8f61-2859-27106a996f72 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206628355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Roma-Themed Picture Books as a Means of Promoting the Integration and Acceptance of Roma Cildren in the Classroom
Next to the other nationalities in Slovenia there also live Roma people. Non-Roma people are discriminatory, have prejudice, and are intolerant of the Roma minority. It is carried down from elders to children, who are in daily contact with the Roma children. The theoretical part of the dissertation is based on the presentation of the Roma people, the problem topic in literature, and the meaning of the picture books. Towards the end of this part, the analysis of the five picture books on the Roma topic is presented with the help of the theoretical sources: »Žabec in tujec« (written by Max Velthuijs), »Jagoda« (written by Saša Kerkoš), »Most prijateljstva« (written by Stojan Hudorovac, Brendi Bajta, Jasmin Hudorovac and Tina Koščak), »Kako so nastale gosli« (a Roma folk tale) and »O dečku, ki se je bal vode« (written by Mojiceja Podgoršek). In the first empirical part, the findings following the quantitative research showed that more than half of the primary school teachers (61,7 %) believe they are well acquainted with the Roma culture and their way of life. Similarly, more than half of them (55,6 %) say that they feel good in the company of Roma students. 58 % of teachers include the Roma topic in Social studies, Science, Slovene, Music, and class meetings. 52 % of teachers believe that Roma students are perceived negatively by non-Roma students. In the second empirical part the findings after the carried out lessons in classes 1, 3, and 5 revealed that students do not know Roma people well, nor do they know their culture and way of life, despite being with them in daily contact and living in the area where many Roma people live. Students did not know that Roma people have their own flag and anthem and that they originate from India. The thesis is based on literary analysis and pedagogical methods, which will help with the development of guidelines for the efficient inclusion of the Roma picture books in the educational process.

Keywords:Roma people, the problem topic, the picture books

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