
Izkušnje žensk, ki so izgubile otroka med nosečnostjo ali kmalu po rojstvu, o sodelovanju s socialnimi delavkami
ID Zidar, Urška (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu predstavljam izkušnje žensk, ki so rodile mrtvorojenega otroka ali so otroka izgubile kmalu po rojstvu, s socialnimi delavci oz. delavkami. V nalogi sem se osredotočila na teme, ki se navezujejo na izgubo otroka, predstavila sem proces žalovanja tako pri starših kot pri sorojencih, ter pomen slovesa in pokopa za žalujoče starše ter kakšen vpliv ima okolica na žalujoče. Predvsem pa sem se osredotočila na strokovno delo v porodnišnici in izven nje, kakšno podporo nudijo žalujočim družinam in kakšno mesto ima pri tem socialno delo. Raziskava temelji na osebnih izkušnjah posameznic, ki imajo izkušnjo izgube otroka po 22 tednu nosečnosti in so rodile mrtvorojenega otroka ali do 28. dne po rojstvu in od njihove izkušnje izgube otroka ni minilo več kot pet let. Zanimala me je njihova izkušnja poroda, kakšno podporo so doživele s strani zdravstvenega osebja, kako je potekal proces žalovanja in kaj so pri tem potrebovale, kakšno strokovno podporo so dobile izven porodnišnice ter kako je njihova izkušnja izgube otroka vplivala na njihovo življenje danes. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da kljub temu, da je smrt otroka ena izmed hujših izgub v življenju, so starši zmožni predelati izgubo ob podpori tako zdravstvenega osebja, raznih društev, s pogovori z osebami s podobno izkušnjo ter z raznimi aktivnostmi, ki pripomorejo k soočanju z izgubo. Pomembna pa se mi zdi tudi podpora socialnega delavca, četudi je izkušnja žensk govorila drugače. Socialni delavci z žalujočimi vzpostavimo odnos, skupaj sodelujemo, jih opolnomočimo, da sprejmejo realnost izgube, jo ozavestijo ter delamo skupaj v smeri oblikovanja želenih izidov, da bo okrevanje po izgubi lažje in se bodo počutili podprte.

Keywords:mrtvorojenost, izguba otroka, proces žalovanja, strokovno delo po izgubi, socialno delo z družino
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160763-2182cd45-f402-f161-5fb2-3aa055f07bb6 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Title:Experiences of women who have lost a child during pregnancy or shortly after birth in cooperation with social workers
In my master's thesis, I present the experiences of women who gave birth to a stillborn child or lost a child shortly after birth, with social workers. In the thesis, I focused on topics related to the loss of a child, I presented the grieving process of both parents and siblings, and the importance of parting and burial for grieving parents and the impact of the environment on the bereaved. But most of all, I focused on the professional work inside and outside the maternity ward, the support they provide to grieving families, and the role of social work in this. The study is based on the personal experiences of female individuals who have experienced the loss of a child after 22 weeks of gestation and who gave birth to a stillborn child or up to 28 days after birth and it has not been more than five years since their experience of the loss of a child. I wanted to know about their childbirth experience, what support they received from the medical staff, how the grieving process went and what they needed to do, what professional support they received outside the maternity ward, and how their experience of losing a child has affected their lives today. The results of the study showed that although the death of a child is one of the most difficult losses in life, parents are able to cope with the loss with the support of medical staff, various associations, conversations with people with similar experiences, and various activities that help to cope with the loss. I also think that the support of a social worker is important, even if the experience of the women was different. Social workers engage with the bereaved, work together, empower them to accept the reality of loss, become aware of it, and work together to shape the desired outcomes so that recovery is easier and they feel supported.

Keywords:stillbirth, loss of a child, grieving process, professional work after a loss, social work with a family

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