
Judovski in krščanski pogled na kralja Davida ter njegove odnose : diplomsko delo
ID Popošek, Manca (Author), ID Skralovnik, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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David je poleg Abrahama in Mojzesa eden najbolj znanih judovskih voditeljev. Sveto pismo ga opisuje kot pogumnega in močnega v vojni, pa tudi kot inteligentnega državnika, zvestega prijatelja in navdihujočega voditelja. Bil je spreten v igranju glasbil in nadarjen za pisanje psalmov – pesmi hvalnice Bogu. V odnosu do Boga je bil pobožen. Napake, ki jih je delal v odnosu do najbližjih, prijateljev in političnih nasprotnikov, ki smo jih podrobno opisali v naši nalogi, lahko pripišemo njegovemu hitremu vzponu na oblast in duhu časa, v katerem je živel in vladal. Iz obeh Samuelovih knjig smo povzeli bibliografijo kralja Davida, ki vsebuje Davidovo mladost, okoliščine, ki so privedle do tega, da je postal kralj, in Božjo zavezo ter njegov odnos z Jonatanom in Mihalo, Savlom, Paltijelom in Abigajilo. V drugi Samuelovi knjigi smo proučili njegov odnos z Abnerjem, Jonatanovim hromim sinom Mefibošetom in Batšebo. V izbranih Davidovih psalmih smo kratko predstavili vsebino, ki izraža Davidove prošnje in zahvale Bogu. V zadnjem delu naloge smo raziskali pogled judovske literature in nekaterih judovskih modrecev predvsem na prešuštvo z Batšebo in posledice tega greha. Po Talmudu naj bi obstajal ločitveni dokument, ki je veljal pod posebnimi pogoji, ki skuša Davidov greh minimizirati. Čeprav je David prizadel svojo družino, Talmud piše, da je Bog na koncu sprejel Davidovo prošnjo in mu odpustil, saj se je zanj popolnoma pokesal. Po judovskem izročilu je Mesija eden od Davidovih potomcev, Jezus pa samega sebe nikoli ni imenoval Davidov sin, saj se ni identificiral z narodnopolitičnim pričakovanjem Mesije, čeprav se ga je v njegovi dobi povezovalo s tem nazivom.

Keywords:David, kralj, odnosi, brezpogojna ljubezen do Boga, greh, prešuštvo, vojščak, politik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[M. Popošek]
Number of pages:III, 47 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160762-a2f28ccf-d429-c798-b044-9228fd821715 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208712451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Jewish and Christian views of King David and his relationships
Alongside Abraham and Moses, David is one of the most- well-known Jewish leaders. The Bible describes him as brave and strong in war, as well as an intelligent statesman, fateful friend and inspirational leader. He was skilled in playing instruments and gifted for writing psalms – songs of praise to God. He was devout in his relationship with God. We can append the mistakes that he has made in relationships with his loved ones, friends and political opponents, which we have described in detail in our thesis, to his quick rise to power and the spirit of the times that he lived and ruled in. From both Books of Samuel, we summarised King David’s bibliography, which includes David’s youth, the circumstances that led to him becoming king and God’s testament as well as his relationship with Jonathan and Michal, Saul, Palti and Abigail. In the second Book of Samuel, we have studied his relationship with Abner, Jonathan’s paralysed son, Mephibosheth and Bathsheba. In selected psalms of David, we briefly presented the content that expresses David’s petitions and thanksgivings to God. In the last part of the thesis, we have researched the view of Jewish literature and some Jewish wise men especially on the adultery with Bathsheba and the consequences of this sin. According to Talmud, a separation document, that is valid under special conditions and is trying to minimize David’s sin, should exist. Talmud writes that although David has hurt his family, at the end God accepted David’s petition and forgave him, because he has fully repented for it. According to Jewish tradition, the Messiah is one of David’s descendants, but Jesus never referred to himself as David’s son, because he did not identify with the national political expectation of Messiah, although in his era he was associated with this title.

Keywords:David, king, relationships, unconditional love for God, sin, adultery, warrior, politician

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