
Proces žalovanja ob izgubi ožjega družinskega člana
ID Poklukar, Martina (Author), ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu obravnavam tematiko procesa žalovanja ob izgubi ožjega družinskega člana. Zanima me, kako so se družinski člani soočili s procesom žalovanja, kakšen je njihov odnos do smrti, kateri so bili pozitivni in kateri negativni faktorji pri žalovanju, kako na izgubo gledajo danes in kje vidijo vlogo socialnega dela znotraj teme žalovanja. V raziskavo sem vključila polnoletne prebivalce Republike Slovenije, ki so izgubo doživeli pred novembrom 2021. V teoretičnem uvodu se najprej osredotočim na temo smrti in procesa žalovanja. Slednje sem razčlenila tudi glede na življenjsko fazo, v kateri se nahajajo žalujoči v času soočanja s procesom žalovanja. Razdelila sem jih na žalovanje otrok in mladostnikov, žalovanje staršev in žalovanje starih ljudi. V nadaljevanju se osredotočim na temo družine, ki se sooča z izgubo, in na življenje svojcev po izgubi. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega uvoda se dotaknem še vloge socialnega dela znotraj procesa žalovanja. Empirični del zajema predstavitev raziskovalnega problema, raziskovalna vprašanja in uporabljeno metodologijo. Sledijo še rezultati, razprava in sklepi. Z raziskavo sem dobila vpogled v strah, ki ga svojci občutijo ob omembi smrti. Zavedajo se, da je življenje minljivo, da je smrt del življenja in se trudijo to sprejeti. Proces žalovanja je pri vseh potekal zelo različno. Najlažje razberljiva je faza šoka, ostale faze se med seboj precej prepletajo ali prekrivajo. Prisotni so bili tako negativni kot tudi pozitivni faktorji. Slednjih je bilo v raziskavi zaznati več in svojci so lažje identificirali pozitivne faktorje. Med najpomembnejše sodi pomoč in podpora prijateljev in družine. Veliko svojcev je v spremembi družinske dinamike zaznalo, da je družina med seboj bolj povezana. Vlogo socialnega dela pa vidijo predvsem v pogovoru in poslušanju žalujočih.

Keywords:smrt, proces žalovanja, družina, socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160761-89c18b93-cc1b-8bd0-f160-c971200b24e8 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The process of grieving the loss of a family member
My dissertation is about the grieving process after the loss of a close family member. I am interested in how the family members dealt with the mourning process, what their attitudes towards the death were, what were the positive and negative factors in the mourning process, how they view the loss today, and where they see the role of social work within the topic of mourning. In the research I included adult residents of the Republic of Slovenia who experienced the loss before November 2021. In the theoretical introduction, I first focus on the topic of death and the mourning process. I have also subdivided the latter according to the phase of life in which the bereaved find themselves at the time of the mourning process. I have divided them into the mourning of children and young people, the mourning of parents and the mourning of the elderly. Later on I have focused on the topic of the family facing the loss and the life of the bereaved after the loss. In the final part of the theoretical introduction, I discuss the role of social work in the mourning process. The empirical part includes the presentation of the research problem, the research questions and the methodology used. This is followed by findings, discussion and conclusions. The research gave me the insight that relatives feel anxiety when they think about death. They realise that life is fleeting, that death is part of life, and they try to accept it. The grieving process was very different for everyone. The shock phase is the easiest to identify, the other phases intertwine or overlap. There were both negative and positive factors. Relatives were more likely to identify positive factors. Among the most important was the help and support of friends and family. Many relatives perceived a change in family dynamics, that the family is feeling more connected to each other. They see the role of social work mainly in talking and listening to the bereaved.

Keywords:death, grieving, family, social work

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