
Vključevanje ljudi z intelektualnimi ovirami in s težavami v duševnem zdravju v lokalno okolje Zasavja
ID Pušnik, Nadja (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge je opisana mreža organizacij, ki delujejo na področju podpore in pomoči osebam z intelektualnimi ovirami in s težavami v duševnem zdravju na območju Zasavja. Pri pisanju se opiram na koncept neodvisnega življenja, na podlagi katerega opišem tudi koncept dezinstitucionalizacije, osebno asistenco, koncept normalizacije in storitve, ki jih omogoča Varstveno delovni center Zasavje. V ospredje postavljam organizacijo, ki z uveljavljanjem koncepta neodvisnega življenja v praksi svoje uporabnike podpira tudi v širši skupnosti. V okviru delovanja Varstveno delovnega centra Zasavje opisujem podporne storitve, ki jih v nadaljevanju diplomskega dela tudi podrobneje izkustveno raziskujem. Posvečam se predvsem vključevanju uporabnikov varstveno delovnega centra v širše lokalno okolje Zasavja s pomočjo podpornih storitev. V raziskovalnem delu se posvetim populaciji uporabnikov Varstveno delovnega centra Zasavje, ki so vključeni v podporne storitve. S pomočjo anketiranja pridobim informacije o vključevanju uporabnikov v lokalno okolje in o njihovem posluževanju podpornih storitev za namen neodvisnega življenja v širši skupnosti, izven institucije. V zaključnem delu diplomske naloge podam predloge za nadaljnje raziskovanje tega področja.

Keywords:neodvisno življenje, varstveno delovni center, Zasavje, podporne storitve, inkluzija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Integrating people with mental disabilities into the local environment of Zasavje region
In the thesis, as part of the theoretical work, is described a network of organizations that work in the field of support and assistance to people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems in the Zasavje area. I rely on the concept of independent living, on the basis of which I also describe the concept of deinstitutionalization, personal assistance, the concept of normalization and the services provided by the Zasavje Care Work Center. I put the organization of the Zasavje Care Work Center in the foreground, because by enforcing the concept of independent living in practice, it supports its users in the wider community as well. Within the framework of the operation of the Zasavje Health Care Center, I also describe the support services, which I also research in more detail in the continuation of my thesis. I mainly focus on integrating the users of the protective work center into the wider local environment of Zasavje and how the inclusion of users is carried out with the help of support services. In the research work, I focus on the specific population of users of the Zasavje Protection Work Center, who are involved in support services. With the help of surveys, I obtained information about the integration of users into the local environment and the provision of support services for the purposes of independent living of users in the wider community outside the institution. In the final part of the diploma thesis, I make suggestions for further research in this area.

Keywords:independent living, Care Work Center, Zasavje, support services, inclusion

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