
Religiozno soočanje s stiskami v povezavi z močjo vere in psihološkim blagostanjem
ID Poljanšek, Veronika (Author), ID Erzar, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s konceptom religioznega soočanja v povezavi z močjo vere in psihološkim blagostanjem. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojma religioznosti in duhovnosti, povzeli raznolike drže do religioznosti znotraj psihologije religije, orisali način raziskovanja religioznega soočanja od začetkov do danes, pojasnili razlike med pozitivnim in negativnim religioznim soočanjem, definirali duhovne stiske ter prikazali, na kakšen način se religiozno soočanje povezuje s psihološkim blagostanjem. Nadalje smo povzeli nekaj ključnih vidikov raziskovanja moči vere ter opredelili koncept psihološkega blagostanja preko šestih kategorij. V empiričnem delu smo s kvantitativno raziskavo raziskali, v kolikšni meri se v slovenski religiozni populaciji pojavlja uporaba religioznega soočanja z življenjskimi stiskami, kako se povezuje z močjo vere in kako s psihološkim blagostanjem. Zanimalo nas je, ali obstajajo razlike med moškimi in ženskami na vseh kategorijah ter razlike med manj verujočimi in bolj verujočimi glede psihološkega blagostanja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 208 udeležencev. Med pozitivnim religioznim soočanjem in močjo vere smo odkrili močno povezavo. Med pozitivnim in negativnim religioznim soočanjem ni bilo povezave. Med negativnim religioznim soočanjem in psihološkim blagostanjem je bila negativna povezava. Med moškimi in ženskami ter med manj verujočimi in bolj verujočimi nismo odkrili bistvenih razlik glede religioznega soočanja, moči vere ali psihološkega blagostanja.

Keywords:religiozno soočanje, moč vere, psihološko blagostanje, religioznost, duhovnost, psihologija religije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160755-2dce1bab-1bf7-0910-2e8e-381a20473041 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Title:Religious coping with hardship in relation to the strength of faith and psychological well-being
The master’s thesis deals with the concept of religious coping in relation to the strength of faith and psychological well-being. In the theoretical part, we defined the concepts of religiosity and spirituality, summarized the different attitudes towards religiosity within the psychology of religion, outlined the way religious coping has been researched from its origins to the present day, explained the differences between positive and negative religious coping, defined spiritual struggles and demonstrated how religious coping relates to psychological well-being. We further summarized some key aspects of research on the strength of faith and defined the concept of psychological well-being through six categories. In the empirical part, we used a quantitative survey to research the extent to which the use of religious coping with life's hardships occurs in the Slovenian religious population, how it relates to the strength of faith, and how it relates to psychological well-being. We were interested in whether there are differences between men and women across all categories and differences between the less religious and the more religious in terms of psychological well-being. 208 participants took part in the study. We found a strong association between positive religious coping and the strength of one's faith. There was no association between positive and negative religious coping. There was a negative association between negative religious coping and psychological well-being. We found no significant differences between men and women, and between less religious and more religious people, regarding religious coping, strength of faith, or psychological well-being.

Keywords:religious coping, strength of faith, psychological well-being, religiosity, spirituality, psychology of religion

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