
Odnos učencev 4., 6. in 9. razreda do hoje v hribe : diplomsko delo
ID Vilicer, Jora (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo preučevali odnos učencev do hoje v hribe, kako pogosto in (ne)motivirano zahajajo z družino in šolo na pohode, morebitne razlike glede odnosa na hojo v hribe med učenci različnih starosti ter odnos učencev do narave. V teoretičnem delu smo se osredotočili na osebnost kot unikatno telesno značilnost, nadaljevali z motivacijo in njenim namenom v vsakodnevnem življenju, v športu in v pohodništvu. Predstavili smo tudi pojem motiva in nadaljevali z vplivom družine na otrokov odnos do hoje v hribe. Zapisali smo tudi, kako načrtovati pohode, se dotaknili upoštevanja ciljev ter možnosti za dodatno motiviranje otrok k pohodništvu. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati naše kvantitativne raziskave. Podatke smo zbirali z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki ga je izpolnilo 523 učencev in učenk 4., 6. in 9. razreda različnih osnovnih šol. Pridobljene podatke smo izvozili v Excel in jih s pomočjo programa SPSS statistično obdelali. Rezultati so prikazani v tabelah in interpretirani. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da ima večina otrok rado hojo v hribe in da tudi večina otrok zahaja v hribe z družino. Kot največjo prednost hoje z družino vidijo v skupnem preživetem času in v določanju tempa. Tako družina kot šola otroka učita varnega gibanja v gorah in ga usposabljata za kasnejšo samostojno varno gibanje. Otroci radi s šolo zaidejo v hribe zaradi nabiranja kondicije in lepih razgledov, medtem ko jih najbolj odvrača tempo hoje ter nezanimivost izletov. Za hojo v hribe jih najbolj motivira motiv opazovanja narave in živali, motiva, ki pa jih motita pri hoji v hribe, sta težek nahrbtnik in naporna hoja. Pri določenih vprašanjih so se pokazale tudi razlike glede na razred. Te razlike so se pokazale pri dejavnikih, ki otroke privlačijo pri hoji v hribe z družino, in tudi pri tistih, ki jih odvračajo od hoje tako z družino kot s šolo. Razlike so se pokazale tudi pri vseh naštetih motivih, ki učence motivirajo za hojo v hribe. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je pri motivih, ki učence motijo pri hoji v hribe, prišlo do razlik glede na razred le pri motivu neprimerna družba. Razlike so se pokazale tudi pri motivih v kolikor vidim odpadek v naravi ga poberem in odnesem s seboj; v naravi spoštujem ostale udeležence (ljudi, živali …) in ne kričim in pri naravo (reke, gore, travnike…) imam rad/a, torej pri ohranjanju narave.

Keywords:hoja, pohodništvo, odnos, motivacija, razlike med razredi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Vilicer
Number of pages:57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160747-6a6d5a9c-ab04-d367-c30d-5d3112629d6f This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206579715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of 4th, 6th and 9th grade students towards hiking in the mountains
In the diploma thesis, we studied students’ attitudes towards hiking, how frequently and (un)motivated they go on hikes with their families and school, potential differences in attitudes towards hiking among students of different ages, and students’ attitudes towards nature. In the theoretical part, we focused on personality as a unique physical characteristic, continued with motivation and its purpose in everyday life, in sports and in hiking. We also presented the concept of motive and continued with the influence of the family on child’s attitude towards hiking. We also wrote about how to plan hikes, considered the goals, and explored ways to further motivate children to hike. In the empirical part, the results of our quantitative research are presented. We collected data using a survey questionnaire, which was completed by 523 students from the 4th, 6th, and 9th grades of various primary schools. The collected data were exported to Excel and statistically processed using the SPSS program. The results are presented in tables and interpreted. In the research, we found that most children enjoy hiking and that most of them go hiking with their families. The greatest advantage of hiking with family is seen in the time spent together and the abilty to set their own pace. Both the family and the school teach children how to move safely in the mountains and prepare them for later independent and safe movement. Children enjoy hiking with school for the fitness benefits and beautiful views, while they are most deterred by the hiking pace and the uninteresting nature of the trips. The main motivation for hiking is the opportunity to observe nature and animals, whereas the factors that discourage them the most are carrying a heavy backpack and the strenuous nature of the hike. The differences emerged in specific questions related to grade levels. These variances were evident in factors that attract children to hiking with their families, as well as those that deter them from hiking, both with family and school. Discrepancies also appeared across all listed motivations that encourage students to hike in the mountains. We also found that among motivations that discourage students from hiking, differences between grades were noted only in the aspect of inappropriate company. Disparities were also evident in motivations such as picking up and taking away trash seen in nature, respecting other participants in nature (people, animals...) without shouting, and loving nature (rivers, mountains, meadows...) in terms of nature conservation.

Keywords:hiking, trekking, attitude, motivation, grade-level differences

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