
Pasivno gledanje čustva vzbujajočih slik : multimodalna uporaba funkcionalne spektroskopije bližnje infrardečega sevanja ter elektroencefalografije
ID Štrempfel, Teja (Author), ID Drevenšek, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo z multimodalno uporabo elektroencefalografije in funkcionalne spektroskopije bližnje infrardečega sevanja raziskali možgansko aktivnost ob gledanju čustva vzbujajočih slik. Predpostavili smo, da bomo zaznali značilne razlike v vzorcih možganske aktivnosti med čustvenimi pogoji gnus, strah, veselje ter nevtralno stanje. Podatke smo pridobili na vzorcu 50 udeležencev, katerih naloga je bila gledanje slik, prikazanih na zaslonu računalnika, v stanju sproščenega mirovanja. Zbrane podatke smo predhodno očistili pred nadaljnjo statistično analizo razlik. Rezultati nakazujejo na značilne razlike v z dogodki povezanih elektroencefalografskih potencialih med vsemi čustvenimi pogoji nad prefrontalnim predelom možganov, razen med veseljem in nevtralnim stanjem. Nad centralno-parietalno regijo smo zaznali razlike tako med čustvenimi pogoji, hemisferama ter interakcijo med obojim. Nad desno centralno-parietalno regijo smo zaznali večjo amplitudo vala P3 in komponente LPP v primerjavi z levo centralno-parietalno regijo. Aktivnost nad levo centralno-parietalno regijo se razlikuje glede na valenco čustvenih pogojev, medtem ko se aktivnost nad desno stranjo razlikuje tudi med posameznimi vrstami neprijetnih čustvenih pogojev. Pri analizi podatkov hemodinamske aktivnosti smo zaznali večjo oksigenacijo krvi v levi strani prefrontalnega režnja, ne glede na čustveno vsebino slik. Obravnavane so povezave med rezultati obeh tehnik.

Keywords:Kognitivna znanost, Elektroencefalografija, funkcionalna spektroskopija bližnje infrardečega sevanja, čustva, čustva vzbujajoče slike
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Štrempfel
Number of pages:81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160739-c5744108-ecdd-6f3e-3d67-9a309bb7dcad This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206464515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Passive viewing of affective images : a multimodal functional near infrared spectroscopy and electroencephalography study
In this master's thesis, we investigated brain activity when viewing emotion inducing images using a multimodal approach that combines electroencephalography and functional near-infrared spectroscopy. We hypothesized that there will be a significant difference in brain activity between the emotional conditions of disgust, fear, happiness, and a neutral state. Data were obtained from 50 participants whose task was to view images displayed on a computer screen in a relaxed resting state. The collected data was preprocessed for statistical analysis. We detected significant diferences in event-related potentials of electroencephalographic data between all emotional conditions in the prefrontal region of the head, except between happy and neutral states. In the central-parietal region, we detected significant differences between emotional conditions, the side of the hemisphere, and an interaction effect. Compared to the left central-parietal region, we observed a larger amplitude in the time interval of the P3 wave and the LPP component in the right central-parietal region. While the activity in the left hemisphere discriminated between emotional conditions based on their valence, the activity in the right hemisphere also accurately discriminated between different types of unpleasant emotional conditions. When analysing haemodynamic data, we detected a significant difference in blood oxygenation between the left and the right sides of the prefrontal cortex, regardless of the emotional content of the images. We explored the connections between the results of both techniques.

Keywords:electroencephalography, functional near-infrared spectroscopy, emotion, emotion inducing images

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