
Afera Veberkom: nedovoljeno poseganje v civilno sfero ali zagotavljanje nacionalne varnosti : diplomsko delo
ID Jelen, Patrik (Author), ID Prezelj, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Afera Veberkom sega v začetek leta 2015, ko je v medije prišla informacija, da je nenapovedan nadzor Komisije za nadzor nad obveščevalnimi in varnostnimi službami ugotovil, da naj bi Obveščevalno varnostna služba Ministrstva za obrambo izvajala določena poizvedovanja v zvezi s prodajo podjetja Telekom. Sosledje dogodkov je povzročilo številne debate ter polemike in nasprotujoča si mnenja pravnih in drugih strokovnjakov. Med afero so bili razkriti tajni dokumenti iz katerih je bilo možno razbrati, da je podjetje Telekom uvrščeno na seznam državne kritične infrastrukture, kot eden izmed ključnih nacionalnih komunikacijsko-informacijskih sistemov. Glede na to, da se po takšnih sistemih lahko pošiljajo tudi tajni podatki, se tukaj pojavi vprašanje tveganja nacionalni varnosti, na katerega imajo različni akterji afere različne poglede. Iz tega izhaja glavni cilj naloge, ki je strokovna analiza afere in postopanja glavnih akterjev, ki jo bom izvedel s pomočjo zastavljenih raziskovalnih vprašanj. V prvem delu naloge sem se poglobil v teorijo delovanja obveščevalnih služb in opredelitev tega področja v Sloveniji, potem sem opredelil področje kritične infrastrukture s poudarkom na komunikacijsko-informacijskih sistemih in povezavo z obveščevalno-varnostnimi službami. Nadaljeval sem s sistematičnim opisom ter analizo afere Veberkom. Pri delu sem uporabil zgodovinsko metodo, analitično-sintetično metodo, metodo primerjave in analizo primarnih ter sekundarnih virov.

Keywords:Obveščevalno varnostna služba Ministrstva za obrambo, Telekom, kritična infrastruktura, afera Veberkom
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Jelen
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (75 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160738-cde5431f-f99f-372a-9eb9-d849292bb4a1 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207475459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Affair Veberkom: unauthorized interference with civil sphere or ensuring national security
The Veberkom affair began in early 2015 when it was revealed that an unannounced inspection by the Comission for the control of Intelligence and Security Services discovered that the Intelligence and Security Agency of the Ministry of Defense was conducting inquaries regarding the sale of the company Telekom. Following events caused many debates, controversies and conflicting opinions among different legal and other experts. During the affair, classified documents were disclosed, revealing that Telekom was included in the list of state critical infrastructure as one of the key national communication and information systems. Since classified data can also be transmited using such systems, the issue of national security risk arose. Different actors in the affair have had different views on the matter. Based on this fact the main goal of the assignment will be a professional analysis of the affair and the behavior of the main actors, which I will carry out with the help of research questions. In the first part of the assignment, I delved into the theory of the operation of intelligence services and the definition of this field in Slovenia. I then defined the field of critical infrastructure with an emphasis on communication and information systems and their connection with intelligence and security services. I continued with a systematic description and analysis of the Veberkom affair. In my work, I used the historical method, the analytical-synthetic method, the method of comparison and the analysis of primary and secondary sources.

Keywords:Intelligence and Security Service of the Ministry of Defense, Telekom, critical infrastructure, affair Veberkom

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