
Načrtovanje laserskih načinov v optično dvolomnih resonatorjih
ID Kalin, Matija (Author), ID Ravnik, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Natančen nadzor nad lastnostmi laserske svetlobe je s hitrim tehnološkim napredkom vse bolj pomemben. Že v izotropni snovi lahko dosežemo raznolike intenzitetne profile laserskih snopov, še bolj kompleksne pa lahko ustvarimo z uporabo optično anizotropnih snovi. Molekule tekočih kristalov imajo zanimive optične lastnosti, ena izmed osnovnih je optična dvolomnost. Z orientacijo molekul tekočega kristala se spreminja optična os materiala, ki vpliva na propagacijo svetlobe. Če v laserskem resonatorju uporabimo optično dvolomni tekoči kristal, lahko nastale svetlobne lastne načine nadzorujemo z vrtenjem molekul tekočega kristala. V magistrskem delu raziščem načrtovanje laserskih načinov v optično dvolomnih resonatorjih na osnovi tekočih kristalov. Predstavljena je generacija učnega seta, uporabljenega za učenje nevronske mreže, s katero pospešimo izračun svetlobnih lastnih stanj resonatorja. Raziskane so prednosti in pomanjkljivosti uporabe strojnega učenja za ta namen. Na koncu je predstavljen tudi algoritem, s katerim lahko s pomočjo nevronske mreže ter numerične optimizacije časovno učinkovito načrtujemo dvolomni laserski resonator, tako da se v njem vzpostavi željeni svetlobni lastni način.

Keywords:Laser, laserski resonator, optično dvolomna snov, lastni načini, tekoči kristali, strojno učenje, nevronske mreže.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160736-c4b5af4c-296e-9a64-078c-eaeef6d03e48 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206686723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Title:Design of laser modes in optically birefringent resonators
Precise control over the properties of laser light is becoming increasingly important with rapid technological advancement. Even in isotropic materials, we can achieve diverse intensity profiles of laser beams, and even more complex ones can be created using optically anisotropic materials. Liquid crystal molecules have interesting optical properties, one of the basic ones being optical birefringence. By orienting the molecules of the liquid crystal, the optical axis of the material changes, which affects the propagation of light. If we use an optically birefringent liquid crystal in a laser resonator, the resulting light modes can be controlled by rotating the liquid crystal molecules. In the master’s thesis, I explore the design of laser modes in optically birefringent resonators based on liquid crystals. The generation of a training set used for training a neural network, which accelerates the calculation of the resonator’s light eigenstates, is presented. The advantages and disadvantages of using machine learning for this purpose are investigated. Finally, an algorithm is presented with which we can efficiently design a birefringent laser resonator using a neural network and numerical optimization, so that the desired light eigenmode is established in it.

Keywords:Laser, laser resonator, optically birefringent medium, eigenmodes, liquid crystals, machine learning, neural networks.

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