
Aktivnosti rjavega medveda (Ursus arctos) v času zimovanja : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Špacapan, Matija (Author), ID Jerina, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8D9531A02F7F1703FD18BACAAA177027
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/895f2a5c-d443-4003-9d63-d334f12f4379

V obdobju med leti 2005 in 2010 je na območju Dinaridov potekala raziskava aktivnosti rjavega medveda (Ursus arctos) v zimskem času. S telemetričnimi ovratnicami se je opremilo osemnajst osebkov, od tega pet samcev, štiri breje samice, šest vodečih samic, samico brez mladičev ter dve samici z nepoznanim reprodukcijskim statusom. Ugotovili so, da je v povprečju obdobje brloženja preučevanih medvedov pri samcih trajalo 61, pri brejih samicah 110 ter pri vodečih samicah 85 dni, vendar zaradi velike individualne variabilnosti razlike med spoloma in reprodukcijskimi statusi samic niso bile statistično značilne. Spremljani medvedi so začeli brloženje v povprečju tretjega decembra in ga zaključili drugega marca. V poletnem in zgodnjem jesenskem času se je pregledalo in premerilo 23 brlogov, ki so pripadali 19 različnim osebkom. Od tega je bilo 17 kraških jam, pet spodmolov ter en brlog na prostemv smrekovem drogovnjaku. Potrditi je bilo mogoče hipotezo, da je dolžina brloženja povezana s tipom brloga. Nasprotno ni bilo opaziti očitne povezave med dimenzijami izbranih jam in dolžino zimskega dremeža. V severnih Dinaridih ni bil zaznan vpliv zimskih temperatur ter debeline snežne odeje na dolžino brloženja, prav tako začetek zimskega dremeža ni bil pogojen s prvimi snežnimi padavinami. Rjavi medvedi, ki v zimskem času niso brložili, so se pogosto zadrževali na krmiščih, kjer so prihajali do lahko dostopne hrane.

Keywords:rjavi medved, Ursus arctos, zimski dremež, brlogi, potek zimovanja
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Špacapan]
Number of pages:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-16073 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3393190 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

In the period between 2005 and 2010 a study on the activity of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the winter time was carried out in the area of the Dinaric Alps. Eighteen specimens were equipped with telemetry collars - five males, four pregnant females, six leading females, a female without offspring and two females with unknown reproductive status. The study showed that the average denning period for the monitored male bears was 61 days, 110 for pregnant females and 85 for the leading females, but due to the large individual variability the differences between genders and the reproductive status of females were not statistically significant. On average monitored bears began their denning period on December 3rd and ended it on March 2nd. In summer and early autumn we examined and measured 23 dens of 19 different specimens. 17 of these dens were karst caves, five were rock shelters and one outdoor den in a dense pine forest. We confirmed the hypothesis that the duration of denning depends on the type of burrow. In contrast, we observed no obvious correlation between the dimensions of selected caves and the length of hibernation. In the northern Dinarides the duration of denning did not depend on winter temperatures or the thickness of the snow. The start of hibernation was also not conditioned with the first snow. During winter and when they are not denning, brown bears spend more time at the feeding stations than in the active part of the year. There they can find alternative food source.

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