
Tereni primerni za strojno pridobivanje lesa v gozdnogospodarskem območju Postojna : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Zabukovec, Emil (Author), ID Krč, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: EE4135C373051CF9CE974A37C0A070FD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/25c6ea97-6f82-4fe1-b083-9ad5d9375482

Namen naloge je bil analizirati razlike in podobnosti med odseki, ki so bili kot primerni za strojno sečnjo izločeni v raziskavi leta 2002 (Krč, 2002), in odseki, v katerih je strojna sečnja do sedaj že bila izvedena. Glede primernosti delovišč so bili anketirani revirni gozdarji. Opravljena je bila analiza vremenskih razmer za delovišča, v katerih so zaznali sledi zmanjšane nosilnosti tal. Količinska analiza je bila opravljena za vsa delovišča. Terenska snemanja so potekala novembra in decembra 2010 v gozdnogospodarskem območju Postojna. Skupno je bilo popisanih 52 delovišč s površino 626 ha. Delovišča so razdelili na delovišča prilagojene in delovišča popolne strojne sečnje. Analiza je pokazala, da je strojna sečnja potekala tudi na naklonih nad 30 % in v deloviščih, v katerih so skalovitost ocenili s 4. razredom po kanadski lestvici. Delež iglavcev v lesni zalogi v nobenem delovišču ni bil pod 50 %, večinoma se je gibal med 70 in 90 %. Revirni gozdarji so bolje ocenili delovišča popolne strojne sečnje. Težave z nosilnostjo tal so se pojavljale le v 20 % delovišč, večinoma so težave lahko pojasnili z analizo vremenskih razmer. Analiza posekanih količin je pokazala, da jakost poseka v največ primerih znaša 50-75 m3/ha. Napoved primernosti odsekov za strojno sečnjo iz leta 2002 se s stanjem na terenu najbolje ujema v ohlapni različici omejitvenih dejavnikov (do 40 % naklona, nad 60 % iglavcev in do 60 % skalovitosti).

Keywords:strojna sečnja, delovišča, teren, Postojna, kras
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Zabukovec]
Number of pages:VIII, 68 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-16071 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3390374 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

The purpose of the study was to analyze differences and similarities between sections that were excluded in the study in 2002 (Krč, 2002) due to being appropriate for mechanized cutting and sections where mechanized cutting was already carried out. District foresters were surveyed about appropriateness of work sites. An analysis of weather conditions was carried out for work sites where traces of reduced soil bearing capacity were detected. A quantity analysis was performed for all work sites. Field research was carried out in November and December 2010 in the Postojna Forest Management Unit. In total, fifty-two work sites measuring 626 ha were recorded. Work sites were divided into the work sites of adjusted mechanized cutting and the work sites of full mechanized cutting. The analysis showed that mechanized cutting was also carried out on slopes greater than 30 % and in the work sites where rockiness was evaluated with the fourth class according to the Canadian scale. The shareof conifers in the growing stock was never below 50 % in any work site, it mostly ranged from 70 % to 90 %. District foresters evaluated the work sites of full mechanized cutting as being better. Problems with soil bearing capacity occurred in only 20 % of the work sites, we could explain most problems with the analysis of weather conditions. The analysis of the cutting amount showed that in most cases the intensity of cutting is 50-75 m3/ha. The prediction of the appropriateness of sections for mechanized cutting in 2002 agrees best with the real situation in a loose variant of restricting factors (a slope up to 40 %, above 60 % conifers and rockiness up to 60 %).

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