
Priporočila za razsvetljavo bivalnih prostorov
ID Blažič, Jakob (Author), ID Bizjak, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem raziskoval in sestavil priporočila za razsvetljavo bivalnih prostorov. To sem začel raziskovati, ker zaenkrat še ne obstaja standard, ki bi opisoval, kako bi morali biti bivalni prostori razsvetljeni. Diplomsko delo se začne s teoretičnim uvodom, ki vsebuje definicijo svetlobe in predstavitev njenih lastnosti. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen vpliv svetlobe na človeka; odziv človeka na svetlobo in njegovo zaznavanje ter prilagajanje. Na koncu pa se osredotočim še na razsvetljavo bivalnih prostorov. Najprej predstavim standard SIST EN 12464-1, kjer so predstavljene zahteve razsvetljave za ljudi na delovnih mestih v notranjih prostorih. Sledi definicija bivalnega prostora, spisek možnih bivalnih prostorov in priporočena razsvetljava za vsakega izmed njih. Priporočila sem sestavil s pomočjo učbenikov, znanstvenih člankov in standarda SIST EN 12464-1. Za vsak prostor v hiši sem zapisal, katere delovne naloge se v določenem prostoru izvajajo. Za te naloge sem v standardu poiskal podatke o ustreznih parametrih razsvetljave.

Keywords:Razsvetljava bivalnih prostorov, SIST EN 12464-1, primerna osvetljenost, svetloba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160694 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206286339 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Recommendations for the lighting of living spaces
In my diploma thesis, I researched and compiled recommendations for the lighting of living spaces. I started researching this because so far there is no standard that describes how living spaces should be lighted. At the beginning of the thesis there is a theoretical introduction, which contains the definition of light and its physical properties. This is followed by a presentation of the influence of light on humans; human response to light and its perception and adaptation. Finally, I focus on the lighting of living spaces. Firstly, I present the SIST EN 12464-1 standard, where the lighting requirements for people at workplaces in indoor spaces are presented. Then I write down the definition of the living space, list the possible living spaces and write the recommended parameters of lighting for each of them. I compiled the recommendations with the help of textbooks, scientific articles and the SIST EN 12464-1 standard. For each room I wrote down which work tasks are performed in a certain room. Based on these tasks I looked for information about proper lighting in the standard and literature.

Keywords:Lighting of Living Spaces, SIST EN 12464-1, Appropriate illuminance, Light

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