
Razvoj kazalnikov za podporo procesom vzdrževanja ozemljil daljnovodnih stebrov
ID Ferjan, Jan (Author), ID Blažič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bečan, Miha (Comentor)

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Ozemljila kovinskih konstrukcij daljnovodnih (DV) stebrov zagotavljajo varno in zanesljivo delovanje elektroenergetskega sistema (EES). V tleh degradirajo zaradi korozije, zato je pomembno pravočasno vzdrževanje. Na začetku dela je obravnavana teorija v povezavi z ozemljitveno upornostjo, ki je bila prepoznana kot eden izmed kazalnikov za spremljanje stanja ozemljila, ampak ima nekaj pomanjkljivosti. Namen magistrskega dela je zato pripraviti dodatne kazalnike, ki podprejo vzdrževanje ozemljil z več vidikov. Eden izmed pomembnejših kazalnikov je kritičnosti stojnega mesta (SM) oziroma lokacije, kjer se nahaja ozemljilo. Najbolj kritične lokacije so v bližini stanovanjskih in industrijskih objektov, šol, vrtcev, bolnic in javnih površin, saj zagotavljajo varnost za ljudi. Neustrezno ozemljilo lahko povzroči poškodbe tudi na ostali infrastrukturi v bližini, kot so plinovodi, vodovodi, elektronske komunikacije in ostala omrežja. Drug pomemben kazalnik je življenjska doba ozemljila. Hitrost korozije ozemljila je odvisna od tipa tal in se izračuna s specifično upornostjo tal, pH vrednostjo, deležem vlažnosti in aeracije. Ob tem pa so lahko ozemljila izpostavljena še koroziji zaradi blodečih enosmernih tokov, ki nastanejo v bližini elektrificirane železnice. V zaključnem delu je izveden testni izračun vrednosti kazalnikov ozemljil za 211 lokacij ozemljil SM. Tehnični podatki ozemljil so predpostavljeni. Testni izračun praktično podpira metodologijo izračuna novih kazalnikov. Izračun je nadgrajen s prostorskim prikazom na interaktivnem zemljevidu, ki omogoča pregledno analizo vseh kazalnikov. Vizualni prikaz pohitri in olajša proces vzdrževanja ozemljil.

Keywords:ozemljila, kritičnost, korozija, kazalniki, vzdrževanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160691 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211256067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of indicators to support the maintenance processes of transmission-towers grounding
Groundings of metal structures of power transmission towers ensure safe and reliable operation of the power system. Groundings degrade in the soil due to corrosion, making timely maintenance essential. At the beginning of this master's thesis, the theory behind grounding resistance is presented. It has been identified as one of the indicators for monitoring the condition of the grounding. However, it has some drawbacks. The purpose of this master's thesis is to develop additional indicators that support the maintenance of groundings from several points of view. One of the most important indicators is the criticality of the grounding location. The most critical locations are near residential and industrial buildings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and public areas as they ensure safety for people. Inadequate grounding can also cause damage to other infrastructure in the vicinity, such as gas and water pipelines, electronic communications, and other power systems. The lifespan of the grounding is also an important indicator. The corrosion rate depends on soil type and is calculated using the specific resistance of the soil, the pH value, the moisture content, and the aeration. In addition, the groundings may be subjected to corrosion due to stray currents generated in the vicinity of a DC electrified railway. In the final part, the values of the indicators for 211 grounding locations are calculated. The technical data of the groundings are presumed. The calculation is enhanced with a display of indicators on an interactive map, which allows a comprehensive analysis. Such a map speeds up and facilitates the process of maintenance of the groundings.

Keywords:groundings, criticality, corrosion, indicators, maintenance

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