
Načrtovanje in oblikovanje zemljevida prog za gorske kolesarje
ID Medvešček, Teja (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zemljevidi so grafični prikazi informacij, ki ležijo na meji med znanstvenimi dokumenti in umetniškimi deli. Kartografija je veda, ki se ukvarja z njihovim načrtovanjem in izdelavo. Stremi k oblikovanju uporabnih pa tudi estetskih rešitev, ki jasno in učinkovito posredujejo informacije. Pri tem se naslanja na principe iz grafičnega oblikovanja. Izdelava zemljevida je kompleksen proces, ki zajema načrtovanje, zbiranje in analizo podatkov, oblikovanje ter testiranje. Proces oblikovanja zemljevida smo želeli preizkusiti na praktičnem primeru. Gorsko kolesarstvo postaja vse bolj priljubljeno, tudi v Ajdovščini je interesa za ta šport vse več. Po pobočjih okrog mesta so kolesarji speljali veliko število prog, ki so zanimive tako za domače kot tuje gorske kolesarje. Letos je bilo sedem izmed teh prog urejenih in legaliziranih. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je načrtovanje in oblikovanje zemljevida, ki je vsebinsko in oblikovno prilagojen uporabnikom gorsko kolesarskih poti v okolici Ajdovščine. Za ta namen smo si zastavili sledeče cilje: analizirati primere domačih in tujih kolesarkah parkov, raziskati ciljno skupino, oblikovati zemljevid, preveriti ustreznost vsebine in izgleda skupaj z uporabniki poti ter zemljevid skladno z namenom umestiti na različne medije. S pomočjo analize primerov in uporabnika smo oblikovali jasen in informativen zemljevid, katerega namen je seznanjene novih uporabnikov s kolesarskimi progami na območju in spodbujanje sedanjih uporabnikov k podpiranju urejanja lokalnih prog. Intervjuji s predstavniki ciljne skupine so potrdili, da je naša rešitev vsebinsko in estetsko ustrezna.

Keywords:oblikovanje zemljevidov, kartografija, zemljevid kolesarskih prog, vizualno komuniciranje, oblikovanje informacij.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160678 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Title:Planning and designing trail map for mountain bikers
Maps are graphic representations of information and can be considered as both scientific documents and works of art. The field of cartography, which deals with their design and production, aims to create practical, but at the same time also aesthetic solutions to convey the necessary information clearly and efficiently. To achieve this, it relies on principles of graphic design. Designing a map is a complex process. It involves planning, data collection and analysis, presentation, and testing. We applied the theory of map making to a real-life example – designing a trail map for mountain bikers. Mountain biking has been gaining popularity and in the town of Ajdovščina there is a growing interest in this sport as well. On the slopes surrounding the town, the local mountain bikers have formed a number of trails, which now attract both local and foreign bikers. This year seven of these trails have been formalized and legalised. The main aim of this thesis is to plan and design a trail map, which is specifically adapted to the users of mountain bike trails in this area, both in content and design. The aim is divided into objectives which include: analysing examples of trail maps of both local and foreign bike parks, conducting target user research, designing the trail map, evaluating the content and appearance of the map with the target users and finally, applying the design across different formats according to their purpose. Using the information gathered from analysing examples of trails and the target users, we have created a clear and informative map. Its purpose is to introduce the mountain bike trails in the area to new users and to encourage local users to support the maintenance of local routes. Semi-structured interviews with the target users confirmed that our solution was both contextually and aesthetically appropriate.

Keywords:map design, cartography, mountain bike trail map, visual communication, information design

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