
Razvoj vzorcev in kartonskega modularnega pohištva za otroke
ID Videmšek, Tasja (Author), ID Burger Kovič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga prikazuje razvoj vzorcev in modularnega pohištva iz kartona za otroke, ki le-te vabijo k raziskovanju okolja ter spodbujajo prosto in ustvarjalno igro. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni področje oblikovanja za otroke in njegova načela, pomen modularnosti v oblikovanju otroških izdelkov ter vloga barv, oblik in vzorcev pri otrokovem dojemanju sveta in celostnem razvoju. Prikazani so primeri izdelkov, ki temeljijo na principu sestavljanja, modularnosti in konstruktivne igre. Raziskano je tudi oblikovanje pohištva iz kartona ter njegov potencial v sodobnem oblikovanju za otroke. Predstavljena je oblikovalska dediščina gibanja Bauhaus, ki predstavlja glavno ustvarjalno izhodišče naloge. Poudarek je na njegovih teorijah učenja in ustvarjanja skozi igro, pri čemer je izpostavljen t. i. »Vorkurs« ali uvajalno obdobje. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljen razvoj igrivih ilustriranih likov, ki po vzoru kostumov »Triadnega baleta« Oskarja Schlemmerja upodabljajo Bauhausovo naklonjenost osnovnim barvam in geometrijskim oblikam. Liki so združeni v ponavljajoče vzorce ali preoblikovani v druge forme tekstilnih in kartonskih objektov za otroški interier. V drugem delu eksperimentalnega poglavja je predstavljen razvoj modularnega konstrukcijskega pohištva iz kartona. Prikazani so načini sestavljanja modulov v abstraktne in funkcionalne forme ter vključevanja drugih materialov v prostorske konstrukcije v obliki improviziranih ali tekstilnih modulov. Ti se lahko vstavljajo in prepletajo v luknjasto mrežo kartonskih modulov in ustvarjajo nove kontrastne površine z dodanimi taktilnimi in estetskimi vrednostmi. V nalogo je vključena tudi predstavitev na tekstilnem sejmu Heimtextil 2024 v Frankfurtu.

Keywords:Bauhaus, modularnost, karton, konstrukcijska igra, grafični vzorci, otroški interier
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160677 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Title:Development of surface pattern designs and cardboard modular furniture for children
The master's thesis shows the development of surface pattern designs and modular cardboard furniture for children that invite them to explore their environment and encourage free and creative play. The theoretical part introduces the field of design for children and its principles, the importance of modularity in children's products and the role of colours, shapes and patterns in children's perception of the world and their holistic development. It shows examples of products that are based on the principles of building, modularity and constructive play. It also explores the cardboard furniture design, and its potential in contemporary design for children. In addition, the design heritage of the Bauhaus movement is presented, which is the main creative basis for this work. The focus is on the Bauhaus theories of learning and creating through play, emphasising the so-called »Vorkurs«, or preliminary course. The experimental section presents the development of playful, illustrated characters inspired by Oskar Schlemmer's costumes for the »Triadic Ballet«, embodying the Bauhaus preference for primary colours and geometric shapes. The characters are assembled into repetitive patterns or transformed into other forms of textile and cardboard objects for children's interiors. The second part of the experimental chapter presents the development of modular cardboard construction furniture. It shows methods for assembling modules into abstract and functional forms and integrating other materials into spatial constructions in the fom of improvised or textile modules. These can be inserted and woven into the perforated mesh of the cardboard modules, creating new contrasting surfaces with additional tactile and aesthetic values. The thesis also includes a presentation at the Heimtextil 2024 textile trade fair in Frankfurt.

Keywords:Bauhaus, modularity, cardboard, constructive play, graphic patterns, children’s interior

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