
Preoblikovanje celostne grafične podobe za podjetje Kamitex d. o. o.
ID Oražem, Ines (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je podrobno opisana osvežitev z izboljšavo celostne grafične podobe malega družinskega podjetja Kamitex, d. o. o., ki se primarno ukvarja z oblikovanjem in različnimi tehnikami tiska. Zaradi slabše definirane komunikacijske celote je podjetje težje izstopalo in konkuriralo drugim. Z neposredno željo po nadgradnji – izstopanju, povečanju prometa in konkurenčnosti – smo se usmerili v podrobno raziskavo področja vizualnega komuniciranja podjetja, primerjavo s sorodnimi podjetji v okolici sedeža obravnavanega podjetja in izdelavo načrta prenove podobe. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je obravnavan celoten sistem celostne grafične podobe, njen neposreden pomen za identiteto in prepoznavnost samega podjetja. Spoznali smo, da je povezana celota, torej tako simboli kot tudi tipografija in barve, tista, ki mora ustrezati podobi za predstavitev podjetja širši javnosti in potencialnim novim strankam oziroma naročnikom. V eksperimentalnem delu smo začetek prenove osnovali na podrobni raziskavi podjetja in analizi že obstoječih grafičnih elementov. Razvijanje nove celostne grafične podobe smo začeli s skiciranjem različnih idejnih predlog, nato je sledil postopek digitalizacije in nadaljnje podrobne obdelave. Skupaj z naročnikom smo skice primerjali in dodelovali, dokler nismo dosegli koherentne celote in ustrezne vizualne predstavitve izbranega podjetja. Na koncu smo izdelke tudi testno natisnili. Z rezultati raziskave in našega dela smo ugotovili, da je ustrezna in premišljena celostna grafična podoba ključen element za prepoznavnost, uspeh in konkurenčnost na slovenskem trgu v primerjavi z drugimi sorodnimi podjetji. Uspešno smo izdelali prenovljeno podobo domačega podjetja Kamitex, d. o. o., ki je vključevala izdelavo prepoznavnega znaka, sekundarnega znaka, slogana, vizitke, dopisnega lista, e-podpisa, vložne mape, definiranje stila za objave na družbenih omrežjih, načrtovanje uporabniške izkušnje in oblikovanje spletnega mesta. To bo podjetju omogočalo bolj jasno in celostno komunikacijo in predstavitev.

Keywords:celostna grafična podoba, logotip, oblikovanje, priročnik celostne grafične podobe, tiskarna
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160671 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Redesigning Corporate Identity of Kamitex d.o.o.
This thesis describes in detail the renewal through an improvement of the overall graphic image of Kamitex, a small family-run company primarily involved in design and printing. The company's poorly defined communication made it difficult to stand out and compete with others. With a direct desire to upgrade and stand out as well as increase turnover and competitiveness, we focused on a detailed study of the company's visual communication, a comparison with similar companies in the area of Kamitex's headquarters and the creation of an image renewal plan. The theoretical part of the thesis comprehensively addresses corporate identity, its direct importance for the identity and visibility of the company itself. We have learnt that it is the coherent whole, i.e. the symbols as well as the typography and colours, that must correspond to the image, in order to present the company to the general public and to potential new customers or clients. In the experimental part, the start of the redesign was based on a detailed study of the company and an analysis of existing graphic elements. The development of a new corporate identity started with sketches of various conceptual templates, followed by the digitisation process and further detailed processing. Together with the client, we compared and refined the sketches until we achieved a coherent whole and an appropriate visual representation of the selected company. Finally, the products were test-printed. The results of our research and our work have shown that an appropriate and well-thought-out corporate identity is the key element for visibility, success and competitiveness on the Slovenian market compared to other similar companies. We successfully created a redesigned image for Kamitex, which included the creation of a distinctive brand, secondary brand, slogan, business card, letterhead, e-signature and filing folder, defining the style for social media posts, user experience design and website design. This will allow the company to communicate and present itself more clearly and comprehensively.

Keywords:corporate identity, logo, design, corporate visual identity, print shop

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