
Zasnova poučne mobilne igre o koži za otroke
ID Črne, Nika (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se navezuje na področje poučnih video iger in področje izdelave mobilnih iger. Naloga predstavlja zasnovo poučne mobilne igre o koži za otroke, ki je predstavljena skozi vse faze izdelave. Narejen prototip prikazuje grobo delovanje mobilne igre in vse izdelane zaslone. S prototipom lahko uporabnik na linearen način interagira z vsebinskimi in funkcionalnimi elementi igre in tako vidi njeno delovanje. Poučna mobilna igra o koži je bila izdelana z namenom, da uporabniku na bolj zabaven način predstavi in pomaga pri pomnenju informacij o koži. Ker so poučne igre vedno bolj prisotne v učnem sistemu, smo z magistrsko nalogo želeli poseči v to področje in narediti zasnovo mobilne igre, ki bi koristila osnovnošolskim otrokom, ki se pri pouku učijo o koži. Magistrsko delo je bilo izvedeno po fazah izdelave mobilne igre. Na začetku smo zbrali vse potrebne informacije o koži, da smo si kasneje s tem pomagali pri samem oblikovanju in zasnovi mobilne igre. Nato smo ustvarili informacijsko arhitekturo, ki nam je služila kot ogrodje za nadaljnjo izdelavo žičnih okvirjev. Pri izdelavi žičnih okvirjev smo se osredotočali na samo postavitev elementov na zaslon in na tok, ki pelje uporabnika skozi igro. Nato smo izdelali 3D model kože, kjer smo se odločili za bolj prikupen in poenostavljen stil modelov z majhnim številom poligonov. Izdelali smo tudi 3D model avatarja in vseh njegovih prilagodljivih komponent, kot so lasje, oči, nos in usta. Zatem smo izdelali vse potrebne 2D elemente interaktivnosti in navigacije, kot so gumbi, pojavna okna in ikone. Ko so bili elementi izdelani, smo se lotili oblikovanja samih zaslonov mobilne igre. Pri izdelavi smo si pomagali z načrti postavitev na podlagi žičnih okvirjev. Po izdelavi zaslonov smo vse skupaj povezali in naredili prototip, ki predstavlja glavne interaktivnosti načrtovanega delovanja mobilne igre.

Keywords:3D-računalniška grafika, 2D-računalniška grafika, uporabniški vmesnik, poučne igre, mobilne igre
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160670 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing educational mobile game about skin for children
The master's thesis is related to the field of educational video games and the field of mobile game production. The task presents the design of an educational mobile game about skin for children, which is presented through all stages of creation. The prototype made shows the rough operation of the mobile game and all the screens made. With the prototype, the user can interact in a linear way with the content and functional elements of the game and thus see its operation. An educational mobile game about skin was created with the aim of introducing and helping the user to remember information about skin in a more entertaining way. Since educational games are increasingly present in the educational system, with our master's thesis we wanted to delve into this area and design a mobile game that would benefit elementary school children who learn about skin in class. The master's thesis was carried out according to the stages of making a mobile game. At the beginning, we gathered all the necessary information about the skin to later help us in the actual design and design of the mobile game. We then created an information architecture that served as a framework for the further production of wireframes. When making wireframes, we focused on just placing elements on the screen and on the flow that takes the user through the game. Next, we created a 3D model of the skin, where we decided on a more attractive and simplified style of models with a small number of polygons. We also created a 3D model of the avatar and all its customizable components such as hair, eyes, nose and mouth. We then created all the necessary 2D elements of interactivity and navigation, such as buttons, pop-ups and icons. Once the elements were made, we set about designing the mobile game screens themselves. We helped ourselves with layout plans based on wire frames. After making the screens, we connected everything together and made a prototype that represents the main interactivity of the planned operation of the mobile game.

Keywords:3D computer graphics, 2D computer graphics, user interface, educational games, mobile games

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