
Trajnostnost in konkurenčno pravo - iskanje ravnovesja med priložnostmi in izzivi
ID Bogovič, Ana (Author), ID Grilc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Evropska Unija se je zavezala k zelenemu prehodu s ciljem postati prva ogljično nevtralna celina. Ambiciozni cilji so predstavljeni v Evropskem zelenem dogovoru ter konkretizirani v področni sekundarni zakonodaji. Za projekt takšnega obsega je potrebna prilagoditev delovanje določenih politik EU, saj so cilji dosegljivi le z usklajenim pristopom. Politika konkurence je ključna za učinkovito delovanje notranjega trga in se je običajno razumela kot samostojna in neodvisna od ostalih politik. O njeni samostojnosti priča tudi dejstvo, da je kljub številnim krizam v zadnjih desetletjih ostala relativno nespremenjena. V luči zelenega prehoda je Evropska Komisija začela iskati ustrezne načine za inkorporacijo trajnostnih vidikov v konkurenčni okvir. Magistrska naloga raziskuje, če je tovrstno povezovanje glede na obstoječ regulatorni okvir in cilje konkurenčnega prava sploh mogoče in če je, če je tudi primerno. Predstavljene so tako priložnosti kot tudi izzivi vsakega od klasičnih področji konkurenčnega prava – ob tem je poudarek predvsem na anti-trustu in koncentracijah, vključen pa je tudi pregled dogajanja na področju državnih pomoči. Preko pregleda celotnega dogajanja lahko pridemo do ugotovitve, da je povezovanje trajnosti in konkurenčnega prava mogoče, vendar mora biti storjeno s tehtnim premislekom in previdnostjo, nikakor pa se ne sme v imenu trajnosti pozabiti na primarna načela in cilje konkurenčnega prava.

Keywords:trajnostnost, zeleni prehod, Evropski zeleni dogovor, trajnostni razvoj, konkurenčno pravo, cilji konkurenčnega prava, trajnostni sporazumi, 101. člen PDEU, 102. člen PDEU, koncentracije, državne pomoči, notranji trg.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Title:Sustainability and Competition Law – The Quest for Balance Between Opportunities and Challenges
The European Union has committed to a green transition with the aim of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent. Ambitious goals are presented in the European Green Deal and further defined in sectoral secondary legislation. A project of such significance, calls for the adjustment of most of the EU policies, as the goals can only be achieved through an interdisciplinary coordinated approach. Competition policy is crucial for the efficient functioning of the internal market and has traditionally been understood as independent and separate from other policies. Its independence is evidenced by the fact that it has remained relatively unchanged despite the many crises in recent decades. In light of the green transition, the European Commission has begun seeking appropriate ways to incorporate sustainability aspects into the competition framework. This master's thesis explores whether such integration is possible and appropriate within the existing regulatory framework and the objectives of competition law. Opportunities and challenges in each of the traditional areas of competition law are presented, with a particular focus on antitrust and mergers, as well as a review of developments in the field of state aid. The master’s thesis finds that integrating sustainability and competition law could be possible, but it must be done with careful consideration and caution, the existing framework is more than sufficient for incorporating sustainability. In any case the primary principles and goals of competition law should not be put aside in the name of sustainability.

Keywords:sustainability, green transition, European Green Deal, sustainable development, competition law, competition law objectives, sustainability agreements, Article 101 TFEU, Article 102 TFEU, mergers, state aid, internal market

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