
Oderuštvo v Monaldovi Summa de iure canonico: poskus tekstnokritične analize vira : magistrsko delo
ID Kristan, Matic (Author), ID Mlinar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Monald iz Kopra (ca. 1210–ca. 1280) je bil manjši brat, ki je v 13. stoletju izdal vplivno pravno enciklopedijo z naslovom Summa de iure canonico. V njej je obdelal obširen nabor pravnih tem. Geslo o oderuštvu je eno pomembnejših. V šestih podgeslih Monald obravnava definicijo oderuštva, njegovo razdelitev, dovoljene in nedovoljene primere obrestovanja, povrnitev obresti, oderuštvo z zastavo in pa dovoljene oblike družbenih pogodb (slednje so verjetno kasnejši dodatek). Iz vsebine je razvidno, da ima Monald nekoliko milejše poglede na obrestovanje kot nekateri zgodnejši pisci in pa da posebej poudarja namero posojilodajalca. Glavni vir Monaldovega teksta je bila Summa Rajmunda Penyafortskega skupaj z gloso, ki jo je pripravil Viljem iz Rennesa: Monald je besedili združil v enoten tekst. Vstavljal je tudi svoje dodatke in odlomke drugih kanonistov. V Monaldovem pristopu do kompiliranja zaznamo splošno težnjo po tem, da bi tekst napravil čim bolj pristopen. Najpomembnejša novost v Monaldovi Summi je tako abecedni vrstni red gesel. Poleg tega Monald izpušča preveč tuje koncepte, manj znane kraje, ki so omenjeni, pa zamenja z bolj znanimi. Citira le najbolj temeljne vire, druge citate pa izpusti. Ta pristop se ujema z njegovo deklarirano željo, da bi izboljšal razumevanje prava, zlasti med neizobraženimi. Monaldova Summa je imela precej velik odmev, kar je razvidno iz hvale, ki jo izražajo kasnejši pisci, in pa precej velikega števila ohranjenih rokopisov (vsaj 69).

Keywords:Monald, Koper, oderuštvo, srednjeveško pravo, summa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Kristan
Number of pages:141 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160653 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206855171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Usury in the Summa de iure canonico of Monaldus: an attempt at a critical textual analysis of a source
Monaldus of Koper (ca. 1210–ca. 1280) was a friar minor who in the 13th century published an influential encyclopedia of law titled Summa de iure canonico, addressing a wide range of legal topics. The entry on usury is one of the more important ones. In six sub-entries, Monaldus addresses the definition of usury, its classification, cases of licit and illicit interest, restitution of usury, usury of the pledge and licit forms of social contract (the latter most likely being a later addition). It is discernable from the content that Monaldus was more lenient in his views of usury than some earlier writers and that he especially emphasizes the intention of the lender. The main source for Monaldus' text was Summa of Raymond of Penyafort along with the gloss authored by William of Rennes. Monaldus joined the two texts into a single one. He also inserted his own additions and excerpts from other canonists. In Monaldus' approach to compilation, we see a general tendency of making the text as accessible as possible. In this regard, the most important innovation in the Summa of Monaldus is the alphabetic order of entries. Moreover, Monaldus omits concepts too foreign and replaces the references of localities which are too obscure with better known ones. He quotes only the essential sources, omitting other quotes. This approach matches his declared wish to improve the comprehension of the law, especially among the uneducated. The Summa of Monaldus had a fairly large influence, as is evident from the praise expressed by later authors and from relatively high number of extant manuscripts (at least 69).

Keywords:Monaldus, Koper, usury, medieval law, summa

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