
Banović Strahinja v Italiji – prevod srbske epske pesmi v italijanščino
ID Dinić, Miona (Author), ID Ožbot Currie, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predstavljeno magistrsko delo obravnava prevod srbske epske ljudske pesmi “Banović Strahinja” v italijanščino. Pesem je bila v preteklosti, v 19. stoletju, že dvakrat prevedena, vendar sta oba prevoda zgolj delna. Glavni cilj tega dela je bil ustvariti celovit in sodobnejši prevod pesmi. Poleg samega prevoda pesmi z izvirnikom na desni strani, vsebuje delo tudi uvodni del, ki podaja kratek povzetek pesmi, pojasnjuje razloge za izbiro te pesmi ter opisuje značilnosti srbske epske poezije in njen kontakt z Italijo v preteklosti. Pri izdelavi prevoda so bile uporabljene teorije prevajanja, ki so pomagale pri ustvarjanju čim bolj verodostojnega prevoda. Poleg tega so bila analizirana tudi podobna besedila v italijanščini, ki so služila kot navdih pri prevajanju pesmi “Banović Strahinja”. Za prevodom sledi del, posvečen metodologiji, kjer so podrobno razložene leksikalne in skladenjske izbire ter komentirane prevajalske odločitve. Posebna pozornost je namenjena problematiki končnih verzov epske pesnitve in njihovega prevoda. V zaključku sledi splošen komentar o delu in nasveti za izboljšavo tega prevoda ter podobnih prevodov v prihodnosti.

Keywords:prevod, poezija, epika, Italija, Srbija, heroj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160651 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206061059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Banović Strahinja in Italy – The Translation of the Serbian Epic Poem into the Italian Language
The present master's thesis deals with the translation of the Serbian epic folk song "Banović Strahinja" into the Italian language. This poem has already been the subject of two translations in the past, both dating back to the 19th century, but neither of them was complete. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to produce a comprehensive and modern translation of the poem. In addition to the translation of the poem itself, accompanied by the original text on facing pages, there is an introductory section with a brief summary of the poem's content. The section also provides a detailed explanation of the motivation behind choosing to translate this particular poem, along with a discussion of the characteristics of Serbian epic poetry and its relationship with Italy. Throughout the translation, the employed and discussed translation theories are outlined, and similar works in the Italian language that inspired the translation process are considered. In the pages following the translation, a methodological section is included, offering detailed explanations of the lexical and syntactic choices made. In the final part of the thesis, the issue regarding the concluding verses of the poem and their rendition in the Italian language is addressed. The conclusion includes a general commentary on the work done and a set of suggestions to improve both this translation and future projects involving similar translations.

Keywords:translation, poetry, epic, Italy, Serbia, hero

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