
The Representation of Male and Female Characters in Steinbeck’s Novel East of Eden in the Context of Mythical Tradition
ID Dinić, Miona (Author), ID Čerče, Danica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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The following research investigates the mythological world in the novel East of Eden by John Steinbeck and the difference in agency given to male and female characters. The analysis centres around the question of the extent to which the characters’ freedom is limited by myths. Our hypothesis is that male characters possess greater freedom to act due to myths supporting the patriarchal social order, while female characters are burdened with more oppressive mythical roles, limiting both their agency and authentic selves. The research is divided into several parts. Firstly, an overview of the novel’s mythological world and intertextual influences is offered, defining the concept and criteria for freedom, principally as the idea offered by philosophy of timshel. This part is followed by the analysis of male characters and various myths that operate on them. The next section is dedicated to the analysis of female characters and their mythical realities. Through the comparative analysis of the two genders, the research confirms that male characters enjoy more agency, although some of them (Adam, Charles and Aron) are more predetermined by Biblical stories. On the other hand, women’s freedom is limited both by religious and social myths, leading to severe consequences if they deviate from societal expectations. Ultimately, the research challenges the notion of East of Eden as a classic and universal work, shedding light on the potential toxicity of narrative that perpetuates the status quo.

Keywords:Steinbeck, myth, freedom, men, women
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160650 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2024
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Title:Predstavitev moških in ženskih likov v Steinbeckovem romanu East of Eden v okviru mitske tradicije
Pričujoča naloga raziskuje mitološki svet v Steinbeckovem romanu East of Eden in s tem povezane razlike v delovanju moških in ženskih likov. Analiza se osredotoča na vprašanje, v kolikšni meri miti omejujejo svobodo likov v romanu. Naša hipoteza je, da zaradi mitov, ki podpirajo patriarhalni družbeni red, moški liki uživajo večjo svobodo delovanja, medtem ko so ženski liki obremenjeni z bolj zatiralnimi mitološkimi vlogami, ki omejujejo njihovo delovanje in avtentičnost. Raziskavo začnemo s pregledom mitološkega sveta v romanu in medbesedilnih vplivov ter z opredelitvijo koncepta in kriterijev svobode, pri čemer se v prvi vrsti opiramo na filozofijo timshel. V nadaljevanju se ukvarjamo z analizo moških likov in različnih mitov, ki vplivajo na njihovo delovanje. Sledi analiza ženskih likov in njihovih mitskih vlog. S primerjavo predstavitve obeh spolov raziskava potrjuje, da moški liki uživajo večjo svobodo, čeprav so nekateri med njimi (Adam, Charles in Aron) bolj predeterminirani z biblijskimi zgodbami. Nasprotno pa je svoboda ženskih likov omejena tako z verskimi kot družbenimi miti, zato ima njihovo odstopanje od družbenih pričakovanj hude posledice. Raziskava torej ovrže idejo o tem romanu kot klasičnem in univerzalnem delu, razkrivajoč potencialno toksičnost pripovedi, ki ohranja obstoječi družbeni red.

Keywords:Steinbeck, mit, svoboda, moški, ženske

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