
Položaj in prostorska razporeditev Lužiških Srbov
ID Gosenca, Manca (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C1105F8B9630C1854ECF1243E91A42BE

Diplomsko delo obravnava Lužiške Srbe, majhno slovansko etnično manjšino v Vzhodni Nemčiji. V prvem delu je predstavljena pokrajina Lužica, kateri sledi podrobnejša obravnava značilnosti Lužiških Srbov. Več pozornosti je posvečene demografiji te manjšine in problematiki pomanjkanja verodostojnih podatkov o njihovem številu ter razporeditvi po prostoru. Predstavljena je njihova zgodovina, kultura, običaji, jezik in dvojezičnost v Lužici. V zadnjih poglavjih prvega dela so opisane tudi lužiškosrbske institucije, zakonska urejenost njihovega položaja, lužiškosrbsko šolstvo in sodobna lužiškosrbska identiteta. V drugem delu diplomske naloge so povzeti pogovori z Lužiškimi Srbi, v katerih pripovedujejo o svojih izkušnjah odraščanja in življenja kot Lužiški Srbi med večinoma nemškim prebivalstvom Lužice. V šestih opisih pogovorov so predstavljene perspektive Srbov, ki so se od svoje identitete oddaljili ali se ji v odrasli dobi močno približali, nekateri izmed njih so zelo aktivni v lužiškosrbskih organizacijah. Z njihovimi pogledi na lastno kulturo se poveže v prvem delu predstavljen položaj Lužiških Srbov danes.

Keywords:Lužiški Srbi, Lužica, Saška, Brandenburg, Nemčija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160639 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Position and spatial distribution of the Lusatian Serbs
The diploma thesis discusses the Lusatian Sorbs, a small Slavic ethnic minority in eastern Germany. In the first part the region of Lusatia is introduced, followed by a closer discussion on the Lusatian Sorbs. A lot of attention is dedicated to the spatial distribution and demography of this minority as well as the problem of a lack of reliable data on the number of the Sorbs. Their history, culture, traditions, language and bilingualism are presented. In the last few chapters of the first part, the Sorbian institutions, legal protection of the minority, Sorbian school system and the modern Sorbian identity and self-understanding are discussed. In the second part of the thesis, the interviews with members of the Sorbian minority are summarized, where perspectives of Sorbian individuals, of whom some grew closer or further from their Sorbian identity are presented, as well as some active members of different Sorbian organisations. With their perspectives, the discussion from the first part is connected to allow better understanding of the Sorbian minority nowadays.

Keywords:Lusatian Serbs, Lusatia, Saxony, Brandenburg, Germany

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