
Artefakti v digitalni radiologiji : diplomsko delo
ID Bajc, Polona (Author), ID Zagorc, Tjaša (Author), ID Medič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Alukić, Erna (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Digitalna radiografija postaja vse bolj razširjena v medicini, z njeno vse večjo uporabo pa je prišlo tudi do prepoznavanja številnih artefaktov. Postopek slikanja pacienta je proces z več ločenimi deli, ki skupno omogočajo pridobitev slike, primerne za ustrezno radiološko analizo. Med celotnim procesom je mogoče delati napake, ki ustvarjajo artefakte na RTG slikah, kar na koncu povzroči neustrezno sliko, ki ni primerna za analizo. Artefakti so strukture, ki niso normalno prisotni na rentgenskih slikah, vključujejo vsako spremembo, ki lahko vodi do napačne interpretacije slike. Sistem za računalniško radiografijo je dovzeten za številne iste artefakte kot DR sistem. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je bil narediti sistematični pregled literature in na podlagi tega ugotoviti, ali so artefakti razlog za zavrnitev in ponavljanje rentgenskih slik ter raziskati, katera vrsta artefaktov je najpogostejši razlog za zavrnitev slike. Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomske naloge smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s sistematičnim pregledom literature. Pregledali smo ustrezne znanstvene članke iz naslednjih podatkovnih baz: PubMed, SCOPUS in ScienceDirect. Iskanje literature je potekalo med 6. 11. 2023 in 7. 3. 2024. Pri iskanju smo uporabili vnaprej določene vključitvene in izključitvene faktorje. Rezultati: Glede na izbrane kriterije smo zbrali in ovrednotili ustrezne članke, ki se nanašajo na vpliv artefaktov pri zavrniti RTG slik. Po iskanju ustreznih člankov po podatkovnih bazah smo skupno dobili 2715 zadetkov. Po pregledu celotne vsebine člankov smo za analizo izbrali 11 člankov, ki najbolj ustrezajo naši temi in kriterijem. Uporabili smo metodo PRISMA, da bi shematično predstavili uporabljene podatkovne baze in proces odločanja o vključitvi pregledanih virov. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da imajo artefakti vpliv na zavrnitev RTG slik, vseeno pa niso najpogostejši razlog za zavrnitev in ponavljanje slik. Artefakt, zaradi katerega se slike najpogosteje zavračajo je artefakt gibanja. Sledi mu artefakt zaradi radiopačnih predmetov in artefakt, ki nastane zaradi neustreznih ekspozicijskih pogojev.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, artefakti, digitalna radiologija, CR sistem, DR sistem, analiza zavrnjenih slik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Bajc : T. Zagorc]
Number of pages:38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160622 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206031107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Artifacts in digital radiology : diploma work
Introduction: Digital radiography (DR) is becoming increasingly prevalent in medicine. With its growing use, numerous artifacts have also been identified. The process of imaging a patient is a process with several distinct parts that together allow for the acquisition of an image suitable for appropriate radiological analysis. Mistakes can be made throughout the process that create artifacts on X-ray images, which ultimately result in an inadequate image that is not suitable for analysis. Artifacts are structures that are not normally present on X-ray images and include any change that can lead to misinterpretation of the image. The computed radiography system is susceptible to many of the same artifacts as the DR system. Objective: The aim of the diploma thesis was to conduct a systematic literature review and, on the basis of this, to determine whether artifacts are the reason for the rejection and repetition of X-ray images, and to investigate which type of artifact is the most common reason for image rejection. Methodology: A descriptive method of work with a systematic literature review was used to write the diploma thesis. Relevant scientific articles were reviewed from the following databases: PubMed, SCOPUS and ScienceDirect. The literature search was conducted between November 6, 2023 and March 7, 2024. Predefined inclusion and exclusion factors were used in the search. Results: Based on the selected criteria, relevant articles were collected and evaluated that relate to the impact of artifacts on the rejection of X-ray images. After searching for relevant articles in the databases, a total of 2715 hits were obtained. After reviewing the entire content of the articles, 11 articles that best corresponded to our topic and criteria were selected for analysis. The PRISMA method was used to schematically present the used databases and the decision-making process for the inclusion of the reviewed sources. Discussion and Conclusion: We found that artifacts have an impact on the rejection of X-ray images, but they are not the most common reason for rejecting and repeating images. The most common artifact that causes images to be rejected is motion artifact. This is followed by artifact due to radiopaque objects and artifact due to improper exposure conditions.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, artifacts, digital radiology, CR system, DR system, rejected image analysis

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