
Ortoze za ramenski sklep : diplomsko delo
ID Samec, Nina (Author), ID Lampe, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlović, Monika (Comentor), ID Fošnarič, Miha (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Bolečina v ramenih je en izmed najpogostejših vzrokov za obisk zdravnika. Najpogostejše patologije, ki prizadenejo ta predel, so glenohumeralna dislokacija, zlomi ključnice in nadlahtnice, poškodbe rotatorne manšete in akromioklavikularnega sklepa, utesnitveni sindrom, sindrom zamrznjene rame, osteoartritis ter vnetje tetiv in burse. Rehabilitacija po poškodbah in različnih patologijah poteka konservativno in/ali operativno. Pri konservativnem zdravljenju se aplicirajo ortoze, katerih namen so podpora, stabilizacija in/ali imobilizacija sklepa. Ločimo med statičnimi ter dinamičnimi, serijsko in individualno izdelanimi ortozami za ramenski sklep. Ustrezna ortoza se predpiše na podlagi individualne obravnave. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti najpogostejše patologije in poškodbe ramenskega sklepa ter ortoze, ki se uporabljajo za zdravljenje oziroma imobilizacijo teh. Ob tem je namen še pregledati in primerjati ponudbe ortoz na slovenskem in mednarodnem trgu. Metode dela: Strokovno literaturo smo poiskali na podatkovnih bazah Google učenjak in PubMed v angleškem jeziku z iskalnim nizom: (»shoulder sling« OR »shoulder brace« OR »shoulder orthosis«) AND »conservative treatment«. Za slovensko literaturo smo uporabili iskalni niz: (»ortoze« ALI »opornice«) IN »ramenski sklep«. Rezultati: V diplomsko delo smo vključili deset člankov, v katerih avtorji večinoma primerjajo konservativno zdravljenje z operativnim in v eni raziskavi izide zdravljenja iste patologije z različnima ortozama. Primerjali smo ponudbo ortoz, dostopnih na slovenskem in tujem trgu. Razprava in zaključek: Način zdravljenja poškodb/bolezni ramenskega sklepa je odvisen od patologije oziroma poškodbe. Na podlagi pregleda se predpišeta ustrezna vrsta ortoze in čas njene aplikacije, enako velja tudi za ortoze, namenjene imobilizaciji/stabilizaciji po operativnem posegu. Na izbiro vrste zdravljenja vpliva več dejavnikov, med drugim starost, stopnja dejavnosti in želje pacienta. Ponudba ortoz v prosti prodaji je številčna in pestra, posledično je izbira ustrezne ortoze za laike lahko otežena. Ob uporabi napačnih ortoz oziroma nepravilnem nošenju lahko pride do poslabšanja stanja in/ali razvoja dodatnih težav. Poznavanje anatomije in pravilna uporaba ustrezne ortoze sta ključnega pomena za uspešno rehabilitacijo in funkcionalnost.

Keywords:diplomska dela, ortotika in protetika, ramenski sklep, konservativno zdravljenje, ortoze, bolečine v rami
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Samec]
Number of pages:28 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160621 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206051843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Shoulder joint orthoses : diploma work
Introduction: Shoulder pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting the doctor. The most common pathologies affecting the shoulder are glenohumeral dislocation, clavicle and humerus fractures, rotator cuff and acromioclavicular joint injuries, compression syndrome, frozen shoulder syndrome, oteoarthritis, tendon and bursa inflammation. Rehabilitation after injuries and various pathologies is conservative and/or surgical. Conservative treatment involves the application of orthoses to support, stabilise and/or immobilise the joint. A distinction is made between static and dynamic orthoses, over-the-counter and individually made orthoses for shoulder joint. The appropriate orthosis is prescribed for each individual. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to present the most common pathologies and injuries of the shoulder joint and the orthoses used to treat or immobilise it. Additionaly we will review and compare orthosis offers on the Slovenian and international online markets. Methods: The literature was searched in english on Google scholar and PubMed databases using the search string: (»shoulder sling« OR »shoulder brace« OR »shoulder orthosis«) AND »conservative treatment«. For Slovenian literature, we used the search string: (»ortoze« OR »opornice«) AND »ramenski sklep«. Results: 10 results were included in this work, in most of them the authors compared conservative treatment with operative treatment and, in one study, the outcomes of treatment of the same pathology with different orthoses. We compared the orthoses available on the Slovenian and foreign markets. Discussion and conclusion: The method of treatment of injuries/diseases of the shoulder joint depends on the pathology itself or injuries. Based on examination, the appropriate type of orthosis and the time of it's application are prescribed. The same goes for orthoses intended for postoperative immobilisation/stabilisation. The choice of the type of treatment is influenced by several factors including the patient's age, activity level and their wishes. The range of orthoses available over-the-counter is numerous and various. As a consequence, the selection of the appropriate orthosis for people without medical consult can be difficult. The use of incorrect orthoses or incorrect application can lead to deterioration of the condition and/or the development of additional problems. Knowledge of the anatomy and the correct use of an appropriate orthosis are crucial for successful rehabilitation and functionality.

Keywords:diploma theses, orthotics and prosthetics, shoulder joint, conservative treatment, orthosis, shoulder pain

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