
Vpliv filtracije na dozo v mamografiji - sistematični pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Pavzin, Hana (Author), ID Medič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Alukić, Erna (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Mamografija je ključna rentgenska slikovna metoda za zgodnje odkrivanje in analizo sprememb v dojkah. Filtriranje snopa pa je ključen postopek, kjer z različnimi filtri manipuliramo energijski spekter tako, da se zmanjša absorbirana doza, hkrati pa se izboljša kakovost rentgenske slike. Spekter rentgenskih fotonov, ki jih uporabljamo pri mamografiji, je sestavljen iz nizkih energij, pri tem pa največkrat uporabljamo filtracijo iz rodija in molibdena. Prejeta doza je neenakomerno razporejena v žleznem tkivu, zato ocenimo dozo na dojko s povprečno žlezno dozo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kako različne kombinacije anoda/filter vplivajo na povprečno žlezno dozo, ki jo prejme pacientka med mamografsko preiskavo. Metode dela: V diplomski nalogi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo s sistematičnim pregledom literature. Članke, ki smo jih uporabili v pregledu literature smo iskali v različnih mednarodnih podatkovnih bazah, kot so Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije, Repozitorij univerze v Ljubljani, Cobbis, Science Direct, Pub Med in American Association of Physicists in Medicine, pri tem pa smo upoštevali vključitvene in izključitvene kriterije ter ključne besede. Rezultati: Predstavili smo ugotovitve člankov, ki smo jih uporabili za pregled literature. Te smo iskali v mednarodnih podatkovnih bazah Science Direct, ReasearchGate, IOPscience in National Institutes of Health, kjer smo skupaj dobili 1322 zadetkov, katere smo nadaljnjo pregledali, odstranili duplikate ter članke, ki niso ustrezali izključitvenim in vključitvenim kriterijem in tako dobili 12 člankov, ki smo jih vključili v raziskavo. Članki analizirajo, katera kombinacija anoda/filter prispeva k najmanjši dozi za pacientko. Razprava in zaključek: Pridobljena analiza o vplivu različnih kombinacij anoda/filter v mamografiji na dozo je ključna za razumevanje optimizacije slikovnega postopka. Rodijeva in volframova anoda z uporabo različnih filtrov najbolj prispevata k zmanjšanju doze na dojko, hkrati pa ohranjata kvaliteto slik. Večina raziskav je dokazala, da z kombinacijo Rh/Rh dobimo nižjo povprečno žlezno dozo v primerjavi z Mo/Mo ali Mo/Rh, medtem ko so pri primerjavi kombinacij W/Rh in W/Ag rezultati bili boljši pri W/Rh. Članki prav tako poudarjajo, da je kombinacija Mo/Mo primernejša za tanjše dojke, medtem ko so kombinacije Rh/Rh, W/Rh in W/Ag primernejše za gostejše in obilnejše dojke.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, filtracija, anoda/filter, povprečna žlezna doza, mamografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[H. Pavzin]
Number of pages:27 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160620 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206052355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of filtration on dose in mammography - systematic literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Mammography is a crucial X-ray imaging method for the early detection and analysis of changes in the breasts. Beam filtering is a key procedure where the energy spectrum is manipulated using different filters to reduce the absorbed dose while improving the quality of the X-ray image. The spectrum of X-ray photons used in mammography consists of low energies, where the most commonly used filtration is done by using rhodium and molybdenum filters. The received dose is unevenly distributed in the glandular tissue, so the dose to the breast is assessed using the average glandular dose. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to determine how different combinations of anode/filter affect the average glandular dose received by the patient during mammographic examination. Methods: In this thesis, we used a descriptive method with a systematic literature review. The articles used in the literature review were searched in various international databases, such as the Digital Library of Slovenia, the University of Ljubljana Repository, Cobbis, Science Direct, Pub Med and the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, taking into account inclusion and exclusion criteria and keywords. Results: We presented the findings of the articles used in the literature review. We searched the international databases such as Science Direct, ReasearchGate, IOPscience and the National Institutes of Health, where we got a total of 1322 hits, which we reviewed, removed duplicates and articles that did not meet the exclusion and inclusion criteria, resulting in 12 articles that were included in the study. The articles analyse which anode/filter combination contributes to the lowest dose to the patient. Discussion and conclusion: The analysis obtained on the impact of different anode/filter combinations in mammography on the dose is key to understanding the optimisation of the imaging procedure. Rhodium and tungsten anodes using different filters contribute the most to reducing the dose to the breast while maintaining image quality. Most studies have shown that the Rh/Rh combination results in a lower mean glandular dose compared to Mo/Mo or Mo/Rh, whereas when comparing W/Rh and W/Ag combinations, the results were better with W/Rh. The articles also point out that the Mo/Mo combination is more suitable for thinner breasts, while the Rh/Rh, W/Rh and W/Ag combinations are more suitable for denser and more abundant breasts.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, filtration, anode/filter, average glandular dose, mammography

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