
Vpliv mikroplastike iz biorazgradljive in konvencionalne plastične kmetijske folije na razvoj hrošča mokarja (Tenebrio molitor)
ID Nagode, Ana (Author), ID Jemec Kokalj, Anita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Problematika mikroplastike v okolju postaja globalni izziv z resnimi posledicami za organizme. Eden izmed glavnih virov mikroplastike v kopenskih ekosistemih je kmetijstvo, predvsem zaradi uporabe plastičnih prekrivnih folij, ki jih po uporabi kmetje pogosto zorjejo v zemljo. Ker je na voljo malo podatkov o dolgotrajnih vplivih mikroplastike na kopenske nevretenčarje, smo v magistrskem delu raziskovali vpliv mikroplastike iz konvencionalne in biorazgradljive prekrivne kmetijske folije na razvoj hrošča mokarja Tenebrio molitor. Poskusi so najprej potekali 8 tednov v zemlji, a smo zaradi previsoke smrtnosti v kontrolnih skupinah metodo izpostavitve spremenili. Nadaljnji poskusi so potekali v pšeničnih otrobih, kjer smo za 12 tednov izpostavili ličinke mokarjev. V nadaljevanju smo njihove potomce (2. generacija) mikroplastiki izpostavili za 9 tednov. Pri obeh tipih izpostavitve smo mokarje izpostavili šestimi različnimi koncentracijam dveh vrst mikroplastike (polietilen nizke gostote oz. LDPE in polibutilenadipat-ko-tereftalat oz. PBAT). Pri vseh poskusih smo spremljali pojavnost bub in odraslih hroščev, rast in levitve ličink ter smrtnost organizmov. V poskusih na otrobih nismo opazili vpliva na smrtnost mokarjev, nasprotno pa smo opazili učinke na njihovo levitev, rast ter pojavnost bub in odraslih hroščev. Te spremembe so bile najbolj izrazite pri najvišji koncentraciji LDPE (5 % suha masa mikroplastike / suha masa otrobov), kjer smo zaznali zmanjšano rast ličink in levitev v 1. generaciji. Pri PBAT (5 % m/m) smo v 1.generaciji opazili zmanjšano pojavnost bub in odraslih hroščev. Zmanjšano število levitev in povečano rast ličink pa smo zaznali v drugi generaciji pri PBAT (5 % m/m). Rezultati kažejo, da tako konvencionalna kot biorazgradljiva mikroplastika povzročita spremembe v razvoju mokarjev T. molitor, zlasti pri najvišji koncentraciji.

Keywords:Tenebrio molitor, hrošč mokar, mikroplastika, kmetijske prekrivne folije, biorazgradljiva plastika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Nagode]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160617 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206136835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of microplastics from biodegradable and conventional agricultural plastic mulching films on the mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor) development
The issue of microplastics in the environment is becoming a global challenge with serious consequences for organisms. Agriculture is an important source of microplastics in terrestrial ecosystems, especially because of mulching films, which are often ploughed into the soil after use. Since little data is available on the long-term impacts of microplastics on terrestrial invertebrates, we investigated the effects of microplastics from conventional and biodegradable mulching films on the development of the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor. The experiments were first conducted for 8 weeks in the soil, but due to excessive mortality in the control groups, we carried out further experiments on wheat bran, where we exposed larvae of mealworms for 12 weeks. Afterwards, we exposed their offspring (2nd generation) to microplastics for another 9 weeks. In both types of exposure, we exposed mealworms to six different concentrations of two types of microplastics (low-density polyethylene or LDPE and polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate or PBAT). In all experiments, we monitored the occurrence of pupae and adult beetles, the growth and molting of larvae, and the mortality of organisms. In experiments on bran, we did not observe any effect on the mortality of mealworms, but on the contrary, we observed effects on their molting, growth and the occurrence of bugs and beetles. These changes were most pronounced at the highest concentration of LDPE (5 % dry weight of microplastics / dry weight of bran), where we detected reduced larval growth and molting in the first generation. With PBAT (5 % w/w), we observed a reduced occurrence of pupae and adult beetles in the 1st generation. A reduced number of moults and an increased growth of larvae were detected in the second generation with PBAT (5 % m/m). The results show that both conventional and biodegradable microplastics cause changes in the development of T. molitor, especially at the highest concentration.

Keywords:Tenebrio molitor, mealworm beetle, microplastics, agricultural mulching film, biodegradable plastic

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