
Prehranski status profesionalnih rokometašev iz dveh klubov
ID Potrebuješ, Gregor (Author), ID Rotovnik Kozjek, Nada (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Strategija prehranjevanja športnikov, ki ne sledi načelom klinične športne prehrane, ne zadostuje presnovnim potrebam med fizično aktivnostjo in ovira proces regeneracije, kar zmanjšuje učinkovitost vadbe, ogroža zdravje in zmanjšuje zmogljivost športnikov. V raziskavi so sodelovali profesionalni rokometaši Rokometnega kluba Trimo Trebnje in rokometašice Rokometnega kluba Krim Mercator. Ocenili smo ustreznost prehrane in individualni prehranski vnos z analizo 3-dnevnega prehranskega dnevnika ter izvedli spletno anketo o prehranskih navadah in uživanju prehranskih dopolnil prek aplikacije 1KA. Prehranske dnevnike smo vnesli v računalniško aplikacijo Odprta platforma za klinično prehrano (OPKP) in rezultate primerjali s priporočili klinične športne prehrane. Izvedli smo dve meritvi telesne sestave z metodo bioelektrične impedančne analize (BIA), drugo meritev pa tri mesece po prvi, po prehranski intervenciji. Ugotovili smo, da se prehranska strategija obeh ekip razlikuje od priporočil športne prehrane glede energijskega vnosa in vnosa makrohranil ter da obe ekipi ne poznata vloge prehranskih dopolnil. Prehransko intervencijo smo izvedli le pri moški ekipi, kjer smo zaznali izboljšanje telesne sestave, medtem ko pri ženski ekipi zaradi omejitev nismo mogli izvesti prehranske intervencije in tako nismo mogli potrditi ali ovreči hipoteze o vplivu svetovanja na telesno sestavo. Ker neustrezna prehranska strategija zmanjšuje vadbeno in tekmovalno učinkovitost športnikov ter ogroža zdravje športnikov, rezultati raziskave nakazujejo potrebo po vključevanju klinično naravnane prehranske obravnave in izobraževanja športnikov o pomenu športne prehrane v vadbeni proces.

Keywords:športna prehrana, profesionalni športniki, rokomet, prehranske navade, ogljikovi hidrati, nizka energijska razpoložljivost, sestava telesa, zmogljivost, prehranska dopolnila, prehranski vnos
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[G. Potrebuješ]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160615 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206017027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Nutritional status of professional handball players from two clubs
An athletes' dietary strategy that does not follow the principles of clinical sports nutrition fails to meet metabolic needs during physical activity and hinders the recovery process, which reduces exercise performance, compromises health and reduces athletes' performance. The participants of the study were professional handball players from the men's club Trimo Trebnje and the women's club RK Krim Mercator. We assessed diet adequacy and individual dietary intake by analysing a 3-day diet diary and conducted an online survey on dietary habits and supplement consumption via the 1KA app. The diet diaries were entered into the Open Platform for Clinical Nutrition (OPKP) computer application and the results were compared with clinical sports nutrition recommendations. Two body composition measurements were performed using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and a second measurement was performed three months after the first, post-dietary intervention. We found that the nutritional strategy of both teams differed from the recommendations of the sports diet in terms of energy intake and macronutrient intake, and that both teams were unaware of the role of dietary supplements. We only performed a dietary intervention in the male team, where we observed an improvement in body composition, whereas we could not perform a dietary intervention in the female team due to constraints and thus could neither confirm nor refute the hypothesis of an effect of counselling on body composition. As inadequate nutritional strategy reduces athletes' training and competition performance and compromises athletes' health, the results of this study suggest the need to integrate clinically oriented nutritional assessment and to educate athletes about the importance of sports nutrition in the training process.

Keywords:sports nutrition, professional athletes, handball, dietary habits, carbohydrates, low energy availability, body composition, performance, dietary supplements, dietary intake

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