
Uporaba bioinženirskih modelov in celične terapije za zdravljenje bolezni centralnega živčnega sistema
ID Jurkovič, Nuša (Author), ID Maličev, Elvira (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Centralni živčni sistem (CŽS) je skupek heterogenih tkiv, ki jih obdajajo kosti lobanje ter hrbtenice. Bolezni in poškodbe CŽS predstavljajo veliko breme za človeštvo, celične terapije pa predstavljajo eno od možnosti za zdravljenje v bodočnosti. Poškodovan živčni sistem lahko regeneriramo z uporabo celic, bodisi nevralnega ali nenevralnega izvora. S presaditvijo celic lahko nadomestimo celice CŽS ali aktiviramo endogene matične celice, pospešimo njihovo proliferacijo, migracijo na želeno mesto ter diferenciacijo. Bioinženirski modeli CŽS olajšujejo raziskovanje CŽS, omogočajo razvoj novih celičnih terapij in so uporabni za presaditev. Z bioinženirskimi modeli posnemamo strukture in funkcije CŽS pri čemer uporabljamo različne celice, kot so embrionalne matične celice, iPSC, nevralne matične celice in mezenhimske matične celice. 3D okolje celic oblikujemo z različnimi materiali, ki morajo biti čim bolj podobni okolju celic in vivo. Za modele CŽS so se za najbolj primerne izkazali hidrogeli in nosilni materiali iz nanovlaken. Čeprav je uporaba celične terapije za CŽS še dokaj nov in neuveljavljen pristop za zdravljenje, je bilo izvedenih že nekaj kliničnih testiranj, pri čemer si največ obetajo pri zdravljenju Parkinsonove bolezni, možganske kapi ter možganskih poškodb.

Keywords:centralni živčni sistem, celična terapija, modeliranje, matične celice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160613 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206446595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2024
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Title:The use of bioengineering models and cell therapy for the treatment of central nervous system diseases
The central nervous system (CNS) is a collection of heterogeneous tissues surrounded by the bones of the skull and spine. Diseases and injuries of the CNS represent a significant burden for humanity and cell therapies offer one of the potential future treatment options. The damaged nervous system can be regenerated using cells of either neural or non-neural origin. By transplanting cells, we can replace CNS cells or activate endogenous stem cells, accelerate their proliferation, migration to the desired site and differentiation. Bioengineered models of the CNS facilitate CNS research, enable the development of new cell therapies and are useful for transplantation. These models mimic the structures and functions of the CNS using various cells, such as embryonic stem cells, iPSCs, neural stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells. The 3D cellular environment is formed with various materials that should closely resemble the in vivo cellular environment. Hydrogels and nanofiber scaffolds have proven to be the most suitable for CNS models. Although the use of cell therapy for the CNS is still a relatively new and unestablished treatment approach, some clinical trials have already been conducted, showing the most promise in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, stroke and brain injuries.

Keywords:central nervous system, cell therapy, modeling, stem cells

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