
Prenos klasične risbe v zgodbo
ID Ogorevc, Urška (Author), ID Beja, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri nastajanju diplomskega dela se je najprej vprašalo, kaj je risba, kako z risbami lahko pripovedujemo zgodbo in kako jih digitaliziramo. Cilj je bil narediti raziskavo o lastnostih analogne risbe v primerjavi z digitalizirano različico risb ter izvedeti, koliko zgodbe zares lahko prikažemo z risbami. Najprej je bil izveden pregled zapisanih dejstev in vsebin o risbah, njihovi zgodovini, materialih in tehnikah risanja, digitalizaciji in skenerjih. Ustvarjen je bil tudi pregled šestih slovenskih ilustratorjev, ki so pomembni za razumevanje stilov in načinov ilustracij pri nas. Raziskav v diplomskem delu smo se lotili tako, da se je izdelalo osem risb, ki so bile digitalizirane, nato pa še postavljene skupaj, da tvorijo zgodbo. Risbe so bile narisane z različnimi pripomočki, to so bili flomastri, barvice, kemični svinčniki, oglje, klasični svinčniki, oljni pasteli, suhi pasteli in tempera barve s čopiči. Delo se je začelo z definiranjem zgodbe in pripisu dela zgodbe k določenemu stilu. Zatem so bile narisane skice, ki so bile potem še konkretno narisane s pripadajočimi materiali. Najprej so bile risbe analizirane glede na podobnosti, razlike in odstopanja med analogno in digitalno različico. Izvedene so bile optične analize, analize velikosti in vrednosti barvnih prostorov vsake risbe. Zgodbe z osmimi risbami se je predstavilo ljudem različnih starostnih skupin, najprej analogne zgolj z risbami, pozneje pa še sestavljene z besedilom v obliki brošure. Za zbiranje podatkov je bila ustvarjena tudi anketa s kratkimi vprašanji. Beleženi so bili odgovori vsakega posameznika. Raziskave so pokazale, da so bile risbe po digitalizaciji drugačne, eden glavnih razlogov za to so bile barve. Nekatere barve so izgledale svetlejše ali temnejše, spet druge pa bolj ali manj pigmentirane. Risbe so izgledale zelo svetle, zato je bilo potrebno izvesti korekture pred uporabo slik za tisk. Sledila je raziskava o različnem razumevanju zgodbe glede na dodatek besedilne pojasnitve zgodbe. Vsak si risbe lahko interpretira drugače, nekateri si ustvarijo svojo zgodbo, nekaterim pa je bolj všeč, če jih avtor usmeri k pomenu. Ko je bilo k risbam dodano besedilo, je bila zgodba vsakemu bolj razumljiva. Tako se je ugotovilo, da je za pripovedovanja zgodbe boljše, da se k risbam doda tudi zapisana zgodba, če seveda avtor želi povedati svojo zgodbo. Zmeraj se lahko odloči, da risbe prepusti interpretaciji.

Keywords:risba, digitalizacija, zgodba, ilustracija, ustvarjalnost, likovna pripoved
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160600 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Transfer of classical drawing into story
When creating the thesis, the first question was about what a drawing is, how a story could be told with them and how to digitize drawings. The goal was to research the properties of analogue drawings compared to their digitized counterpart. Furthermore, find out how much of a story we can really tell with drawings. First, a review of recorded facts and content about drawings, their history, drawing materials and techniques, digitization and scanners was carried out. An overview of six Slovenian illustrators, who are important for understanding the styles and methods of illustration in our country, was also created. The thesis research was undertaken by creating eight drawings, which were digitalized and then placed together to form a story. Drawings were drawn with different tools. These were felt-tip pens, coloured pencils, ballpoint pens, charcoal, classic pencils, oil pastels, dry pastels and tempera paint with brushes. Work began by defining the story and attributing a story part to a specific style. After that, sketches were drawn, which were later concretely drawn with the corresponding materials. First, the drawings were analyzed for their similarities, differences, and deviations between the analogue and digital versions. The analyses performed were optical analysis, size analysis and color space value of each drawing analysis. The story of these eight drawings was presented to people of different age groups. First, the analog version with only drawings, and later with the added text in the form of a brochure. A survey with short questions to collect response data was also created. Moreover, each individual’s answers were recorded. Research has shown that drawings had many differences after digitization, and one of the main influences of those was the colours. Some colours looked lighter, some darker, and others more or less pigmented. The drawings looked very bright, and because of that, it was necessary to make corrections before printing the images. This was followed by research on different understandings of this story, according to the addition of a textual explanation. Everyone can interpret drawings differently. Some people create their own stories, and some prefer that the author directs them towards their meaning. When text was added to the drawings, everyone understood the story better. Thus, it was found that a better storytelling choice was to add a written story to the drawings. Of course, if the author wanted to tell his story. It can always be chosen to leave the drawings up for interpretation.

Keywords:drawing, digitalization, story, illustration, creativity, fictional narrative

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