
Potrebe po socialno delovnih pristopih pri delu v pomagajočih poklicih : primer policije
ID Perenič, Teja (Author), ID Šabić, Amra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Policistke oz. policisti se kljub vsej pomoči, ki jo ponuja policija, še vedno prepogosto znajdejo v stiski. Pri svojem vsakdanjem delu se srečujejo s pretresljivimi dogodki, kot so prometne nesreče, umori, samomori, nasilje, prostitucija, posilstva in pedofilija. Še večjo obremenitev za njih predstavlja organizacijski stres, ki ga povzročajo administrativne obveznosti, dežurstva, nočne izmene in pomanjkanje kadra. Prehod v tržno ekonomijo, zmanjševanje delovne sile, prestrukturiranje podjetij, izguba trgov itd. so pomenili množično ukinjanje socialnih služb v delovnih organizacijah. Ukinitev delovnih mest je pomenilo povečanje težav in stisk zaposlenih, ki so ostali brez strokovne podpore in pomoči na delovnem mestu. V svoji diplomski nalogi sem na primeru policije želela prikazati, kako pomembno je socialno delo v delovnih organizacijah. Glede na razsežnost problematike sem svoje raziskovalno delo usmerila zgolj v enega od poklicev, kjer sem na primeru zaposlenih v policiji skušala osvetliti ozadje problematike. Zanimalo me je, s kakšnimi stiskami se spoprijemajo slovenske policistke oz. policisti in kakšne izkušnje imajo s formalno in neformalno pomočjo v praksi. Moj cilj je bil tudi osvetlili prepogosto skrite in družbeno zanemarjene stiske policistk oz. policistov, saj se o njih premalo govori. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, kako bi lahko socialni delavci pomagali policistkam oz. policistom s svojimi znanji, koncepti in metodami. Rezultati raziskave in predlogi, ki so rezultat sodelovanja s policistkami oz. policisti, predstavljajo pomemben korak k izboljšanju podpore in pomoči pri njihovih vsakodnevnih stiskah. V kvalitativni raziskavi sem z delno standardiziranim intervjujem zbrala izkušnje policistk oz. policistov - z različnih delovnih področij - pri njihovem delu, stiskah in pomoči. Zanimalo me je, s kakšnimi pretresljivimi dogodki se soočajo pri svojem delu in kateri so za njih najtežji. Ob tem sem se dotaknila tudi stresov zaradi smrti sodelavcev na delovnem mestu, ki se prepogosto dogajajo. Vprašala sem jih o organizacijskem stresu, ki ga doživljajo zaradi preobsežne administracije, primanjkljaja zaposlenih in napornih delovnih ur. Zanimalo me je, kako stiske nanje vplivajo pri delu in doma ter kako lahko stiske opazijo pri sodelavcih. Osrednja tema zanimanja so bile oblike pomoči. Spraševala sem jih o dejanskih izkušnjah s strokovno pomočjo - ki jo ponuja policija - pa tudi o izkušnjah z neformalno pomočjo, ki so jo deležni s strani sodelavcev in družine. Ob tem so mi povedali tudi, kako si pomagajo sami. Posebno pozornost sem namenila pomoči, ki jim ni na voljo, a se jim zdi nujno potrebna. Področje socialnega dela ima potencial, da s svojimi načeli, koncepti in metodami učinkovito podpira policistke oz. policiste pri soočanju z njihovimi stiskami. Koncepti, kot so vzpostavljanje delovnega odnosa in osebnega stika, supervizija, zagovorništvo, analiza tveganja, osebni načrt, interakcijska teorija ipd., lahko s celostnim pristopom prispevajo k boljši obravnavi stisk policistk oz. policistov. Zagotavljajo podporo, ki temelji na poslušanju, empatiji, oceni tveganja in osebnega načrtovanja, ob stalni prisotnosti strokovnjakov.

Keywords:policisti, organizacijski stres, izgorevanje, stiske, pomoč, socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160586 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Needs for social work approaches when working in the helping professions: the example of the police
Policewomen or police officers, despite all the help offered by the police, still find themselves in dire straits too often. In their daily work, they encounter shocking events such as traffic accidents, murders, suicides, violence, prostitution, sexual assault and pedophilia. An even greater burden for them is organizational stress caused by administrative duties, on-call, night shifts and lack of staff. Transition to a market economy, reduction of the workforce, restructuring of companies, loss of markets, etc. meant the massive abolition of social services in work organizations. The abolition of jobs meant an increase in the problems and hardships of employees, who were left without professional support and assistance at the workplace. In my diploma thesis, I wanted to use the example of the police to show how important social work is in work organizations. Considering the scale of the problem, I focused my research work only on one of the professions, where I tried to shed light on the background of the problem, using the example of employees in the police. I was interested in understanding the challenges faced by Slovenian police officers and their experiences with formal and informal assistance in practice. My goal was also to shed light on the too often hidden and socially neglected plight of police officers, because they are not talked about enough. The main goal of the diploma thesis is to find out how social workers could help police officers with their knowledge, concepts, and methods. Research results and proposals that are the result of cooperation with police officers, represent an important step towards improving support and assistance in their daily hardships. In a qualitative study, I collected the experiences of the police officers with a partially standardized interview - from different fields of work - in their work, hardships, and help. I was interested in what kind of shocking events they face in their work and which ones are the most difficult for them. At the same time, I also touched on the stress caused by the death of colleagues at work, which happens too often. I asked them about the organizational stress they experience due to excessive administration, a shortage of employees and grueling working hours. I was interested in how hardships affect them at work and at home, and how they can notice hardships in their colleagues. The central topic of interest was forms of aid. I asked them about their actual experiences with professional help - offered by the police - as well as their experiences with informal help from colleagues and family. They also told me how they help themselves. I paid special attention to the help that is not available to them, but which they feel is urgently needed. The field of social work has the potential to effectively support female police officers with its principles, concepts, and methods. Police officers in dealing with their plight. Concepts such as establishing a working relationship and personal contact, supervision, advocacy, risk analysis, personal plan, interaction theory, etc., can contribute to a better treatment of the plight of police officers with a holistic approach. They provide support based on listening, empathy, risk assessment and personal planning, with a constant presence of experts.

Keywords:police officers, organisational stress, distress, burnout, help, social work

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