
Priprava in izolacija mutante ATPazne domene giraze B R136C
ID Hedžet, Tajda (Author), ID Pečar Fonović, Urša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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DNA-giraza je encim iz skupine topoizomeraz IIA, znana kot pogosta tarča protimikrobnih učinkovin. Encim je sestavljen iz dveh podenot; giraze A in giraze B. Podenota B vsebuje ATPazno domeno, ki je odgovorna za hidrolizo ATP in za normalno delovanje encima. Kinoloni so razred protimikrobnih učinkovin, ki deluje tako, da se veže na podenoto A DNA-giraze in stabilizira kompleks med encimom in molekulo DNA. Bakterije so se z evolucijo na delovanje antibiotikov prilagodile s spontanimi mutacijami, s katerimi so pridobile odpornost proti tem učinkovinam. Ena izmed klinično pomembnih mutacij je mutacija arginina 136 v cistein (R136C) na ATPazni domeni giraze B. V pomoč raziskovalcem pri načrtovanju in vrednotenju zaviralcev giraze DNA smo z metodo mestnospecifične mutageneze s prekrivajočima oligonukleotidoma pripravili mutanto ATPazne domene giraze B R136C. S tremi zaporednimi verižnimi reakcijami s polimerazo smo z ustreznimi začetnimi oligonukleotidi, ki nosijo mutacijo, v zaporedje giraze B vnesli točkovno mutacijo. Na 136. mestu smo v tripletu CGC, ki kodira aminokislino arginin, zamenjali eno bazo tako, da smo dobili triplet TGC, ki kodira aminokislino cistein. Dobljeni produkt verižne reakcije s polimerazo smo očistili, rezali in ligirali v prav tako ustrezno rezan plazmid pET44. S tako pripravljenim vektorjem smo transformirali klonirni sev E. coli TOP 10 in ga kasneje prestavili v ekspresijski sev E. coli NiCo21, v katerem smo mutanto giraze tudi izrazili. Uspešnost mutageneze smo preverili s sekvenciranjem. Mutanto smo očistili z afinitetno kromatografijo IMAC (kovinsko-kelatna afinitetna kromatografija) in gelsko filtracijo (razsolitvena kolona) na sistemu ÄKTA. Prisotnost mutante v dobljenih frakcijah smo potrdili s SDS-PAGE in prenosom western. Izolirali smo 3,74 mg mutante ATPazne domene giraze B R136C.

Keywords:giraza B, točkovna mutacija R136C, ekspresija, E. coli NiCo21, IMAC
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160578 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2024
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Title:Cloning and isolation of the ATPase domain of gyrase B mutant R136C
DNA gyrase is an enzyme belonging to the group IIA topoisomerases, known to be a common target of antimicrobial agents. The enzyme consists of two subunits; gyrase A and gyrase B. The B subunit contains the ATPase domain, which is responsible for the hydrolysis of ATP and for the normal functioning of the enzyme. Quinolones are a class of antimicrobial agents that work by binding to the A subunit of DNA gyrase and stabilising the complex between the enzyme and the DNA molecule. Bacteria have adapted to the effects of antibiotics by spontaneous mutations through which they have acquired resistance to these agents. One clinically relevant mutation is the mutation of arginine 136 to cysteine (R136C) on the ATPase domain of gyrase B. To help researchers with the design and evaluation of DNA gyrase inhibitors, we prepared a mutant of the ATPase domain of gyrase B, R136C, with site-specific mutagenesis by overlap extension method. A site-directed mutation was introduced into the gyrase B sequence with three consecutive polymerase chain reactions with the corresponding mutation-carrying primers. At position 136, a single base was substituted in place of the CGC triplet encoding the amino acid arginine to give the TGC triplet encoding the amino acid cysteine. The resulting polymerase chain reaction product was purified, cut and ligated into the corresponding cut plasmid pET44. The vector prepared was used to transform the E. coli TOP 10 cloning strain and subsequently transferred into the E. coli NiCo21 expression strain, in which the gyrase mutant was expressed. The mutagenesis was verified by sequencing. The mutant was purified by IMAC (Immobilized metal affinity chromatography) and gel filtration (desalting column) on an ÄKTA system. The presence of the mutant in the resulting fractions was confirmed with SDS-PAGE and the western blot technique. We isolated 3,74 mg of the ATPase domain of gyrase B R136C mutant.

Keywords:gyrase B, site-directed mutagenesis R136C, expression, E. coli NiCo21, IMAC

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