
Pridelava nizkoalkoholnega belega vina z dodatkom glukoza-oksidaze in katalaze
ID Goljevšček, Pija (Author), ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali lahko s pomočjo encimske metode za zniževanje alkohola v vinu pridobimo vino z vsebnostjo alkohola pod 0,5 vol. %. Pri poskusu smo uporabili encima glukozo oksidazo in katalazo za razgradnjo glukoze v jabolčnem soku in moštu. Imeli smo osem različnih vzorcev, in sicer šest vzorcev mošta in dva vzorca jabolčnega soka. Encima optimalno delujeta v točno določenem temperaturnem območju in pri točno določeni vrednosti pH. Mošt in jabolčni sok imata nižji pH, kot je potreben za delovanje encima, zato smo določenim vzorcem zvišali pH. Pred samo encimsko reakcijo smo vzorcem izmerili koncentracijo glukoze. Po 20 urah delovanja encima na 24 °C smo vzorcem ponovno izmerili koncentracijo glukoze, da bi ugotovili, koliko jo je encim razgradil. Nato smo izvedli alkoholno fermentacijo vzorcev. Po končani fermentaciji smo vzorce poslali na analizo WineScanTM, s pomočjo katere smo primerjali rezultate fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov vzorcev pred in po fermentaciji. Na koncu smo vzorce še senzorično ocenili z opisno analizo. Pri vzorcih, ki smo jim dodali encima, smo ugotovili večje vsebnosti glukonske kisline, ki je eden izmed razgradnih produktov razpada glukoze. Vzorci, ki smo jim povišali začetno vrednost pH zaradi encimske reakcije, so bili senzorično slabše sprejemljivi. Z izbrano metodo nismo dosegli želenega zmanjšanja vsebnosti alkohola v vinu, saj so rezultati bili pod pričakovanji. Z rezultati smo potrdili hipotezo, da z encimskim postopkom ne moremo pridobiti senzorično sprejemljivega brezalkoholnega vina, in ovrgli hipotezo, da na samo encimsko razgradnjo vplivata tako temperatura kot vrednost pH.

Keywords:nizkoalkoholno vino, brezalkoholno vino, encim, glukoza oksidaza, katalaza, zmanjšanje vsebnosti alkohola, senzorična analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[P. Goljevšček]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160561 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206041603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Production of low-alcohol white wine with the addition of glucose oxidase and catalase
The aim of the master's thesis was to determine whether an enzymatic method for alcohol reduction in wine can be used to obtain wine with an alcohol content of less than 0.5 % vol. In the experiments, the enzymes glucose oxidase and catalase were used to break down glucose in apple juice and grape must. Eight different samples were used, six samples of grape must and two samples of apple juice. The enzymes show optimal activity within a certain temperature range and pH value. Grape must and apple juice have a lower pH than required for enzyme activity. For this reason, we increased the pH of some samples. Before the enzyme reaction, we measured the glucose concentration of the samples. After 20 hours of enzyme treatment at 24 °C, we measured the glucose concentration again to determine how much it had been degraded by the enzyme. We then carried out the fermentation of the samples. After fermentation, the samples were sent for WineScanTM analysis, which we used to compare the physico-chemical parameters of the samples before and after fermentation. Finally, we carried out a sensory evaluation based on a descriptive analysis. Samples with added enzymes were found to have higher levels of gluconic acid, one of the degradation products of glucose. Samples whose initial pH was increased by the enzymatic reaction were sensory less acceptable. With the chosen method, we did not achieve the desired reduction of the alcohol content in the wine, since the results were below expectations. The results confirmed our hypothesis that sensorically acceptable non-alcoholic wine cannot be obtained by an enzymatic process and reject the hypothesis that enzymatic activity is influenced by temperature and pH.

Keywords:low-alcohol wine, non-alcoholic wine, glucose oxidase, catalase, reduction of alcohol content, sensory analysis

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