
Pomen gorenjskega nageljna (Dianthus sp.) v slovenski pridelavi okrasnih rastlin
ID Mušič, Vid (Author), ID Osterc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gorenjski nagelj je različica vrtnega nageljna (Dianthus caryophyllus), ki je bila ena najpogostejših gojenih vrst okrasnih rastlin pri nas. Raste pokončno, a se med rastjo zaradi teže poveša čez rob korita. Na dolgih steblih ima sivo srebrne liste, na koncu pa se odpirajo svetlo rdeči cvetovi, ki cvetijo od junija do pozne jeseni. Po izgledu in izvoru mu je soroden švicarski nagelj, ki ga je zamenjal v pridelavi balkonskih okrasnih rastlin zaradi večje odpornosti na bolezni in vremenske razmere. Gorenjski nagelj ima v Sloveniji velik kulturni in simbolni pomen. V preteklosti je okraševal skoraj vsako gorenjsko hišo, ljudje so si ga podarjali ob posebnih priložnostih, njegov motiv je krasil tudi obleke, različne ročne izdelke. Gorenjski nagelj napadajo mnoge bolezni in škodljivci. Med njimi so nageljnova črnoba, koreninska gniloba, pepelasta plesen, siva plesen, med virusi virus lisavosti nageljna, latentni virus in virus obročkaste pegavosti. Najpogostejši škodljivci so pršice, tripsi in listne uši. Zaradi teh je v zadnjih 50 letih v pridelavi vse manj gorenjskega nageljna. Pridelovalci in raziskovalci si prizadevajo očistiti gorenjski nagelj virusov, da se ga bo spet lahko pridelovalo in uporabljalo v okrasne namene.

Keywords:gorenjski nagelj, pridelava, pomen, zgodovina, bolezni
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160558 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206036739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of gorenjski Carnation (Dianthus sp.) in the Slovenian production of ornamental plants
Gorenjski carnation is a variety of the garden carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus), which was one of the most commonly cultivated ornamental plants in our country. It grows upright but hangs over the edge of the trough during growth due to its weight. On long stems it has grayish silver leaves, and at the end bright red flowers, which bloom from June to late autumn. In appearance and origin, it is related to the swiss carnation, which it has replaced in the cultivation of balcony ornamental plants due to itsgreater resistance to diseases and weather conditions. Gorenjski carnation has great cultural and symbolic significance in Slovenia. In the past, it adorned almost every house in the Gorenjska region (Carniola), people gave it to each other on special occasions, and its motif also decorated clothes and various handmade products. The gorenjski carnation is attacked by many diseases and pests, such as carnation blackness, root rot, powdery mildew, gray mold, among viruses carnation mottle virus, latent virus and ringspot virus. The most common pests include mites, thrips and aphids. As a result, less and less gorenjski carnation has been grown over the past 50 years. Growers and researchers are working to rid the gorenjski carnation of viruses so that it can be cultivated again and used for ornamental purposes.

Keywords:Gorenjski carnation, cultivation, meaning, history, diseases

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