
Širjenje socialne mreže znotraj in onkraj sten Varstveno delovnega centra Tončke Hočevar
ID Žagar Žnidaršič, Neža (Author), ID Grebenc, Vera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Škraban, Juš (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo temelji na akcijskem projektu, katerega namen je bilo širjenje socialne mreže Borisa Puneka, uporabnika institucionalnega varstva VDC Tončke Hočevar. V teoretičnem uvodu sem pojasnila, kaj totalne ustanove so, kdaj so se pojavile in kako je nanje vplival proces dezinstitucionalizacije. V formulaciji problema sem navedla namen raziskave, ki je bil razsikati, kako je bivanje v različnih ustanovah vplivalo na Borisovo socialno mrežo, kakšen vpliv je imelo širjenje njegove socialne mreže nanj, kako se na njegovo vključevanje v dužbo odziva njegova okolica ter na katere metode socialnega dela se lahko oprejo strokovni delavci in delavke, kadar pomagajo uporabnikom zadovoljiti svoje socialne potrebe. V metodološkem delu sem opredelila vrsto raziskave kot kvalitativno z lastnostmi akcijskega raziskovanja. Navedla sem tudi teme raziskave – totalne ustanove, dezinstitucionalizacija, invalidnost in socialna mreža. Populacija raziskave so bile osebe, ki so že najmanj pet let vključene v institucionalno varstvo in so si želele razširiti svojo socialno mrežo onkraj sten ustanove, v kateri živijo. Ker razsikava temelji na akcijskem projektu, v katerem je sodeloval en uporabnik, je bil vzorec sestavljen iz ene enote. Metoda zbiranja podatkov je bilo spreševanje, delnostandardizirano, ustno in individualno. Merski instrument so bile smernice za intervjuje. Druge vire podatkov so mi predstavljaji dnevniški zapisi, ki sem jih ustvarjala med projektom, Borisova institucionalna dokumentacija, eko-zemljevid in osebni načrt. Opisala sem zbiranje podatkov in pojasnila obdelavo ter analizo zbranih podatkov z opisom odprtega in osnega kodiranja. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je življenje v različnih ustanovah skrčilo Borisovo socialno mrežo. Zadovoljevanje njegovih socialnih potreb in širjenje njegove socialne mreže onkraj sten ustanove pa mu danes otežujejo različni dejavniki, in sicer želja in potreba po spremstu na daljših oddhodih iz zavoda, omejeno število teh spremljevalcev in gibalno oviranim neprijazna mestna arhitektura. Iz storitve osebne asistence in storitve socialnega vključevanjaljudi, ki so telesno ovirani, storitvi, ki bi mu pomagali zadovoljiti njgeove socialne potrebe, ga izključuje njegova vključenost v 24-urno institucionalno varstvo. Tako je odvisen od zaposlenih, ki so časovno preobremenjeni, in prostovoljcev, ki so se v preteklosti izkazali za nezanesljive. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je treba razvijati storitve, ki ne bodo izključevale uporabnikov 24-urnega institutcionalnega varstva oz. jih je treba vključiti v že obstoječe storitve, saj zaposleni v ustanovi ne morejo zadovoljiti vseh potreb svojih uporabnikov.

Keywords:Totalne ustanove, dezinstitucionalizacija, institucionalno varstvo, socialna mreža, osebna asistenca, neodvisno življenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160543 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Expanding the social network within and beyond the walls of the Tončke Hočevar care work center
This thesis is based on an action project, the purpose of which was to expand the social network of Boris Punek, an institutional care user of VDC Tončke Hočevar. In the theoretical introduction, we saw what total institutions are, when they started to appear and how they were affected by the process of deinstitutionalization. In the formulation of the problem, the purpose of the research was stated, which was to find out how living in various institutions affected Boris's social network, what effects the expansion of his social newtwork had on him, how the people around him reacted to his integration into society and what methods of social work professionals can rely on when helping service users meet their social needs. In the methodology section, the type of research was defined as qualitative with elements of action research. The research population consisted of individuals who have been in institutional care for at least five years and who wished to expand their social network beyond the walls of the institution in which they reside in. As the research is based on an action project in which one user participated, the sample consisted of one unit. The method of data collection was questioning which included semi-standardized, oral and individual. The research instrument were the interview guidelines. Other sources of data were journal entries that I created during the project, Boris's institutional documentation, an eco-map and a personal plan. The data collection was described in the methodology section, where the processing and analysis of this data was also explained with the description of open and axinal coding. The results of the research showed that life in different institutions had shrunk Boris's social network. Today, various factors make it difficult for him to meet his social needs and expand his social network outside the institutional context, namely the desire and need to be accompanied on longer excursions, the limited number of such companions and city architecture which hinders his accessbility. His enrollment in 24-hour institutional care excludes him from personal assistance and social integration services for the disabled, two different services that would help him meet his social needs. Consequently, he is dependent on the employees of the institution who are understaffed and volunteers who have proven to be unreliable in the past. The results of the research showed that it is necessary to develop services that will not exclude users of 24-hour institutional care or they must be integrated into already existing services, as the institution cannot fulfil all of their users's needs.

Keywords:Total institutions, deinstitutionalization, institutional care, social network, personal assistance, independent living

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