
Klientovo doživljanje spremembe v skupinski obravnavi spolnega nasilja v otroštvu po metodi relacijske družinske terapije : doktorska disertacija
ID Greif, Kristina (Author), ID Repič Slavič, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spolno nasilje v otroštvu je resen družbeni problem, saj naj bi bila spolno zlorabljena vsaka peta deklica, spolno zlorabljenih dečkov pa je nekoliko manj. Spolna zloraba lahko travmatično zaznamuje otroka za vse življenje. Veliko raziskav namreč kaže, da je spolno nasilje v otroštvu in adolescenci velik dejavnik tveganja za psihične, čustvene, kognitivne, vedenjske, fizične in medosebne težave, tako v kratkoročnem, kot v dolgoročnem smislu. Precej raziskav prav tako kaže, da imajo posamezniki, ki so bili v otroštvu žrtve spolnega nasilja, več težav kot posamezniki, ki niso bili žrtve spolnega nasilja. V doktorski disertaciji smo zato želeli raziskati razlike v težavah med posamezniki, ki so bili spolno zlorabljeni v otroštvu, in posamezniki, ki niso bili nikoli zlorabljeni, prav tako pa tudi globlje doživljanje žrtev spolne zlorabe, ki so se vključile v skupinsko terapevtsko obravnavo po modelu relacijske družinske terapije. Doktorska disertacija z naslovom Klientovo doživljanje spremembe v skupinski obravnavi spolnega nasilja v otroštvu po metodi relacijske družinske terapije je razdeljena na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej opisali pojav spolnega nasilja v otroštvu, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na opredelitve in definicije spolne zlorabe, na razširjenost spolnih zlorab in na razkrivanje ter obravnavanje spolne zlorabe. V drugem poglavju teoretičnega dela smo predstavili posledice spolnega nasilja v otroštvu, tako da smo opisali dejavnike, ki vplivajo na posledice spolnega nasilja, kratkoročne in dolgoročne posledice, vedenjske odzive žrtev ter vpliv travme na možgane. Nadaljevali smo z izbranimi posledicami spolnega nasilja, in sicer: individualni problemi, agresija, samokontrola in čustveno odzivanje. V četrtem delu smo predstavili model relacijske družinske terapije in spolno nasilje, v zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela pa smo obravnavali širši vidik razumevanja spolne zlorabe v Svetem pismu, tako v Novi, kot v Stari zavezi. Sledil je empirični del, ki je sestavljen iz kvantitativnega in pretežno kvalitativnega dela. V kvantitativnem delu so nas zanimale razlike med spolno zlorabljenimi v otroštvu in nikoli zlorabljenimi posamezniki, in sicer na naslednjih področjih: individualni problemi in moči, izraženost agresije, zmožnost samokontrole in zmožnost čustvenega procesiranja. V raziskavo se je prostovoljno vključilo 707 udeležencev, od katerih je 61,39 % udeležencev doživelo nizko, zmerno ali močno obliko spolne zlorabe, kar je nad povprečjem raziskav. Na podlagi analize vprašalnikov smo ugotovili, da imajo posamezniki, ki so doživeli spolno zlorabo v otroštvu, v primerjavi s posamezniki, ki je niso, v odraslosti statistično pomembno več individualnih problemov in manj moči na področjih: izraženost negativnih afektov, odsotnost inhibicije močnih impulzov, življenjska funkcionalnost in samosprejetost, ne pa tudi na področjih: odprtost samoizražanja, nerazumevanje samega sebe, zloraba substanc in fleksibilnost. Nadalje so rezultati raziskave pokazali, da imajo posamezniki, ki so doživeli spolno zlorabo v otroštvu, statistično pomembno slabšo regulacijo agresije, in sicer na vseh področjih agresije: fizična in verbalna agresija, jeza, sovražnost in skupna raven agresije. Ugotovili smo tudi, da imajo posamezniki, ki so doživeli spolno zlorabo v otroštvu, v primerjavi s posamezniki, ki je niso, statistično pomembno manjšo zmožnost samokontrole na področju tolerance do frustracije, ne pa tudi na področjih: impulzivnost, poenostavljanje, tvegano vedenje, fizična aktivnost in osredotočenost nase. Prav tako so rezultati raziskave na področju zmožnosti čustvenega procesiranja pokazali, da imajo posamezniki, ki so doživeli spolno zlorabo v otroštvu, statistično pomembno slabšo funkcionalnost čustvenega procesiranja na področju čustvene stabilnosti, ne pa tudi na področjih: odprtost izražanja čustev, presojanje in uporaba čustev, skupna raven čustvenega procesiranja. V pretežno kvalitativnem in deloma kvantitativnem delu raziskave nas je najprej zanimal prispevek relacijske družinske terapije pri zmanjševanju problemov pri žrtvah spolnih zlorab v otroštvu na področju individualnih problemov in moči, agresije, samokontrole in čustvenega procesiranja. Prav tako nas je v okviru terapevtske obravnave zanimalo klientovo doživljanje sprememb v terapiji oziroma klientovo doživljanje poteka terapevtskega procesa in terapevtovega delovanja v okviru skupinske obravnave spolnega nasilja. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih deset udeleženk, ki so bile spolno zlorabljene v otroštvu. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je pri žrtvah spolnih zlorab v otroštvu po procesu skupinske obravnave po modelu relacijske družinske terapije prišlo do statistično pomembnega zmanjšanja individualnih problemov in nemoči na področjih: izražanje negativnih afektov, življenjska funkcionalnost, nerazumevanje samega sebe in samosprejetost, medtem ko pri odsotnosti inhibicije impulzov, odprtosti samoizražanja, fleksibilnosti in zlorabi substanc, statistično pomembnih razlik ni bilo mogoče potrditi. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da je pri žrtvah spolne zlorabe v otroštvu po terapiji prišlo do statistično pomembnega zvišanja regulacije agresije na področjih: jeza, sovraštvo in skupna raven agresije, na pa tudi na področjih fizična agresija in verbalna agresija. Raziskava je pokazala, da je pri žrtvah spolnih zlorab v otroštvu po procesu skupinske obravnave prišlo do statistično pomembnega zvišanja samokontrole na področju toleranca do frustracije, ne pa tudi na področjih: impulzivnost, poenostavljanje, tvegano vedenje, fizična aktivnost in osredotočenost nase. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da je pri žrtvah spolnih zlorab v otroštvu po procesu skupinske terapije prišlo do statistično pomembnega izboljšanja čustvenega procesiranja na področjih: zmožnost presojanja čustev, čustvena stabilnost in čustveno procesiranje skupaj, medtem ko na področju odprtost izražanja čustev ni prišlo do statistično pomembnega izboljšanja. V drugem delu kvalitativne raziskave nas je zanimalo klientovo doživljanje spremembe v okviru skupinske relacijske družinske terapije oziroma klientovo doživljanje poteka terapevtskega procesa in terapevtovega delovanja. Ugotovili smo, da je navedeno mogoče vsebinsko razvrstiti na štiri osrednje kategorije, in sicer na: spremembe pri klientu, spremembe v odnosu z drugimi, pogoji na terapiji in lastnosti terapevta. Spremembe, o katerih so tekom terapevtskega procesa poročale žrtve spolne zlorabe, so se nanašale na področje čustev, ovrednotenja zlorabe, sočutja do sebe oziroma boljšega razumevanja sebe, doživljanja moči, dvojnega zavedanja ter na področje telesnih odzivov. Prav tako so poročale o spremembah v odnosu z drugimi, in sicer na področjih: razmejitev, socialne mreže, partnerskega odnosa in odnosov v družini. Nadalje so se pogoji na terapiji nanašali na: pomen in učinek terapije, možnost spregovoriti, občutek, da nisi sam oziroma pripadnost, zaupanje, varnost, motivacijo, pozitivna pričakovanja, na strukturo in rednost srečanj ter na izpostavljenost na skupini. Kot bistvene lastnosti terapevta so se izkazale: sočutje, strokovnost in osebnost terapevta ter terapevtski stavki, ki so pomagali. Relacijska družinska terapija se je izkazala za varen prostor, kjer posameznik dobi besede za to, kar se mu je zgodilo, preko različnih mehanizmov pa se travma tudi zregulira in žrtvi povrne upanje v normalno življenje. Skupinska terapija se je kot posebej pomembno izkazala tudi zaradi občutka, da ljudje, ki se jim je zgodila travma spolne zlorabe, vedo, da v tem niso več sami in da z njimi ni nič narobe. Zaključke raziskave je treba razumeti z upoštevanjem omejitev, prvi del predvsem zaradi nereprezentativnega vzorca, v drugem delu pa ni bilo vključene kontrolne skupine, prav tako pa je pri predelovanju spolne zlorabe potrebno upoštevati tudi individualnost in različnost vsakega posameznika, ki se s posledicami travme sooča vsak na svoj specifični način. Doktorska disertacija je pomemben doprinos k boljšemu razumevanju žrtev spolnih zlorab in prispeva k razvoju relacijske družinske terapije pri obravnavi žrtev, ki so doživele travmo spolne zlorabe.

Keywords:spolno nasilje, posledice spolne zlorabe v otroštvu, doživljanje žrtev spolnega nasilja, relacijska družinska terapija
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Greif]
Number of pages:XII, 293, I str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160542 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206274051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A client's perception of change in group treatment of childhood sexual violence by the relational family therapy
Childhood sexual violence is a serious social problem, as every fifth girl is said to has been sexually abused, while the number of sexually abused boys is slightly lower. Sexual abuse can traumatize a child for a lifetime. Many studies show that sexual violence in childhood and adolescence is a major risk factor for psychological, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, physical and interpersonal problems, both in the short and long term. Many also show, that individuals who were victims of sexual violence in childhood have more problems than individuals who were not victims of sexual violence. In the doctoral dissertation, we therefore wanted to investigate the differences in difficulties between individuals who were sexually abused in childhood and individuals who were not, as well as to understand the profound experiences of victims of sexual abuse who joined group therapeutic treatment according to the Relational Family Therapy model. The doctoral dissertation entitled A Client's Perception of Change in Group Treatment of Childhood Sexual Violence by the Relational Family Therapy is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part, we first described the phenomenon of sexual violence in childhood, focusing on the definitions of sexual abuse, on the prevalence of sexual abuse and on disclosure and treatment of sexual abuse. In the second chapter of the theoretical work, we presented the consequences of sexual violence in childhood by describing the factors that affect the outcomes of sexual violence, short-term and long-term consequences, behavioral responses of victims and the impact of trauma on the brain. We continued with selected aspects of sexual violence, namely: individual problems, aggression, self-control and emotional response. In the fourth part we presented a model of Relational Family Therapy in the context of sexual violence, and in the last chapter of the theoretical part, we discussed the broader aspect of understanding sexual abuse in the Bible, both in the New and Old Testament. This was followed by the empirical part, which consists of quantitative and predominantly qualitative part. In the quantitative part, we were interested in the differences between individuals who were sexually abused in childhood and individuals who were not abused, in the following areas: individual problems and strengths, the expression of aggression, the ability to self-control, and the ability of emotional processing. The 707 participants voluntarily participated in the study, of which 61,39 % experienced a low, moderate, or severe form of sexual abuse, which is above the research average. By analyzing results of the questionnaires, we found that individuals who experienced sexual abuse in childhood, in comparison to individuals who did not, have statistically significantly more individual problems and less strength in the areas of expression of negative emotions, absence of inhibition of strong impulses, life functionality, and self-acceptance, but not in the areas of openness to self-expression, lack of self-understanding, substance abuse, and flexibility. Furthermore, the research results showed that individuals who experienced sexual abuse in childhood have a statistically significantly worse regulation of aggression, namely in all areas of aggression: physical and verbal aggression, anger, hostility, and general aggression level. We also found that individuals who have experienced sexual abuse in childhood, compared to individuals who have not, have a statistically significant lower capacity for self-control in the area of temper but not in areas of impulsivity, simplification, risky behavior, physical activity, and self-focus. Also, the results of the research in the field of emotional processing ability showed that individuals who experienced sexual abuse in childhood have a statistically significantly worse functionality of emotional processing in the area of emotional stability but not in the areas of the openness of expressing emotions, appraisal and use of emotions, overall level of emotional processing. In the predominantly qualitative and partly quantitative part of the research, we were first interested in the contribution of Relational Family Therapy in reducing problems in victims of sexual abuse in childhood in the area of individual problems and strength, aggression, self-control and emotional processing. We were also interested in the client's experience of changes in therapy, i. e. the client's experiences of the course of the therapeutic process and the therapist's actions within the group treatment of sexual violence. Ten participants who had been sexually abused in childhood joined the research. The research result showed that after the process of group treatment according to the model of Relational Family Therapy, there was a statistically significant reduction of individual problems and helplessness in the areas of expression of negative affects, life functionality, misunderstanding of oneself and self-acceptance among victims of sexual abuse in childhood, while no statistically significant differences in the absence of impulse inhibition, openness to self-expression, flexibility and substance abuse, could be confirmed. Furthermore, we found that in victims of childhood sexual abuse after therapy, there was a statistically significant increase in the regulation of aggression in the areas: of anger, hostility, and general aggression level, as well as in the areas of physical aggression and verbal aggression. The research showed that victims of childhood sexual abuse after the group treatment process experienced a statistically significant increase in self-control in the area of temper but not in the areas of impulsivity, simplification, risky behavior, physical activity and self-focus. We also found that victims of childhood sexual abuse after the process of group therapy experienced a statistically significant improvement in emotional processing in the following areas: appraisal of emotions, emotional stability and emotional processing together, while there was no statistically significant improvement in the area of openness to expressing emotions. In the second part of the qualitative research, we were interested in the client's experience of change within the framework of group Relational Family Therapy and the client's experiences of the course of the therapeutic process and the therapist's actions. This can be classified into four main categories: client's changes, changes in the relationship with others, conditions during the therapy and characteristics of the therapist. The changes reported by the victims of sexual abuse during the therapeutic process related to the: area of emotions, evaluation of the abuse, self-compassion and better self-understanding, experiencing power, double awareness and the area of bodily responses. They also reported changes in their relationship with others, namely in the areas of delimitations, social network, partner relationships and family relationships. Furthermore, the conditions of the therapy related to the meaning and effect of the therapy, the possibility to speak, the feeling that you are not alone and belonging, trust, security, motivation, positive expectations, the structure and regularity of the meetings, and exposure to the group. The therapist's compassion, professionalism, and personality, as well as therapeutic phrases that helped, proved to be essential qualities of the therapist. Relational Family Therapy has proven to be a safe space where an individual gets words for what happened to him, and through various mechanisms the trauma is also regulated and the victim regains hope for a normal life. Group therapy has also proved particularly important because of the feeling that people who have been traumatized by the trauma of sexual abuse know that they are no longer alone in this and that there is nothing wrong with them. The conclusions of this study should be understood by taking into account the limitations, the first part mainly due to the non-representative sample, while the second part did not include a control group, and when processing sexual abuse, it is also necessary to take into account the individuality and diversity of each individual who faces the consequences of trauma in its own specific way. The doctoral thesis is an important contribution to a better understanding of victims of sexual abuse and contributes to the development of Relational Family Therapy treatment of victims who have experienced the trauma of sexual abuse.

Keywords:sexual violence, consequences of childhood sexual abuse, experiences of victims of sexual violence, relational family therapy

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